USS Fletcher DDE-445 Chronology 1950

A summary transcribed from the original deck logs by Commander Robert McCurley, USN retired

January 1950

Sunday 1 January, found USS Fletcher DDE 445 moored at Berth 59, San Francisco Naval Shipyard with CDR William M. Lowrey as commanding officer. Fletcher was unassigned to any Division, Squadron, Flotilla, or Fleet.  SOPA was USS General Randall AP115.

Monday 2 January, moored as before.

Tuesday 3 January, Fletcher got underway enroute to San Diego

Wednesday 4 January, Fletcher passed Point Sur, Point Piedros Blanco, Port Hueneme, Santa Barbara, and Ship Rock.

Thursday 5 January, Fletcher passed Long Point, then Point Loma, Fletcher entered San Diego harbor and moored to the fueling docks, San Diego, California. After taking on 24,902 gallons of Navy Special Fuel Oil.  Fletcher then proceeded to Berth 12, pier 2, at U.S. Naval Station, San Diego California.  SOPA was First Task Fleet in USS Curtis AV5.

Friday 6 January, USS Kyes DD 787 moored to starboard side.

Saturday 7 January, Commander Cruiser-Destroyers Pacific and staff came aboard for official visit. Shueler Chrestman, BT3 reported aboard for duty.

Sunday 8 January, Transferred the following men were transferred to Fleet Training Center, U,S, Naval Station, San Diego for temporary additional duty under instruction:  William P. Camp FC3, Samuel J. Jacobs SK1, Roy L. Helson CS3, Gerald L Anderson TM1, Kenneth A Ballew GMCA, William L. Courtney DK2, Lewis Le Corno BM3, Robert Thurlow SN, Numa H McMillan SA, Vere H. Wright BM3, Alton L. Lairmer FN, Stuart R. Hanson SA, William H. Raynard GM1, Charles L. Piggott SN, Eddie M. Baker Jr. FN, Ted E. Christensen SN, Patrick R. Doyle SN, James A Franklin SN, James E Pollard SN, Kenneth L. Hackworth FCSN, Richard W Schmalenbach SN, Robert P. Bolin SN, Andrew H. Kryworuchenko, RD3  James D. Vestal FC3, George Broxson FCSN, Fred M. Atencio SA, Forrest E. Chandler FN, Frank L Hines GM3, Johnnie J Randolph SN, James R. Burts SD3, Bill W. Beeler GM3, Andrew Banas SN, Joseph E. Joyce BM3, Robert T. Johnston FN, Rodney A. Brenner SN, Charles J. Reil SN, Wayne W. Shottenkirk FA

ComCruDesPac in USS Piedmont AD 17 assumed SOPA.

Monday 9 January, The following men were transferred to Fleet Training Center, U.S. Naval Station, San Diego, California:  Willie E. Knowles SN, David F. Enslow QM3, Clarence E. Williams SN, Frank Gleason Jr. DC3, James W. Hackbarth BMC, Raymond D. Hail FN, Joseph H. Morgan BM2, Jerome B. Koch MMFN, Albin A. Nathe MMFN, John J. McCann MMFN, Joe M. Enloe MM1, Alfred A. Missine BTC, Conway E. Stannard FN, Thomas R. Lowrie EM3, Oscar G. Whitehurst FN, William R. McPherson MM3, Lawrence P. Jones RDSN, Henry A. Miller RDSN, Karl K Stratton FN

The following men were transferred to the U.S. Naval Receiving Station San Diego California for discharge: M.A. Grinsell RD3, J.T. Kinard Jr. CS3, W.E. Stewart SN, W.J. Steverson SN, P. Polanco SN, E. J. Denby SN, Dan Rascon SN, B.L. McRell SN, R.H. Drain SN, W.H. Bruce SN, H. Reib FN,  J.R. Garcia SN, W.H. Dunn SN, W.F. Buckley SN

Tuesday, 10 January, Roger C. Barrett, HM3 and James C. Foster SN were transferred to the U.S. Naval Receiving Station, San Diego, California for discharge. LTJG Samuel Birdwell departed on 15 days emergency leave.

Wednesday, 11 January, Commander Amphibious Force Pacific in USS Eldorado AGC 11 assumed SOPA.Ernst A Gunnarson SH3 reported aboard.

Thursday, 12 January,  USS Radford DDE 446 moored to port side of Fletcher..

Friday, 13 January,  Benjamin A. Golding GMC and Walter W. Chapman MMC were transferred to U.S. Naval Training Center, San Diego, California for 2 weeks instructors course.

Saturday, 14 January,  George W. Griswold TMC reported aboard for duty.

Sunday, 15 January,  The following men were transferred to the Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo School, San Diego, California for temporary duty under instruction:  J.N. Holman FC3, H.L. Hackworth FCSN, H.A. Coleman FCSA, W.F. McSweeb YNSN, W.P. Camp FC3, F.P. Keller RDSN, E. Davis SN

Monday, 16 January,  The following men were transferred to C.O.C. Team Training School for TAD under instruction: M.L. Bisio RD1, E.J. Stoner RD3, A.H. Kryworuchenko RD3, H.A. Miller RDSN, W.B.T. Johnson RDSN, S.A. Meriwether RDSN, L.P. Jones RDSN, E.T. Guaraglia RDSN, B.C. Hitchcock RDSN, G. Brewer RDSN.

LTJG B.W. Brown was transferred for temporary additional duty under instruction to C.O.C. Team Training School, San Diego, California. The following men were transferred to U.S. Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo School, San Diego, California for TAD under instruction: H. Copeland FN, B.W. Lawson FN, J.H. O’Rouke EM1, S.P.K. Lim FN, J.O. Guthrie FN, T.M. Vaughn FN, R.B. Hicks BT3, J.M. Enloe MM1, L.P. Dallaglia EM3, W.H.L. Norton MM2, R.J. Pardo FN, F.R. Huelson FN, J. N. Bender IC3, C. Rodriquez FN, J.I. King SN, D. Scott SN, L.E. LeCorno BM3, A. Ochalek SN, V.H. Wright BM3, H.C. Pepper SN, C.V. Riel SN, R.A. Brenner SN, H.S. Troglin SN, J.W. Hackbarth BMC, R.N. Maroney HMC, J.H. Morgan BM2, C.E. Stannard FN, R.D. Hall FN, T.R. Lowrie EM3, J.B. Koch FN, W.R. McPherson MM3, A.A. Missine BTC, O.G. Whitehurst FN, K.K. Stratton FN, A.A. Nathe MMFN, J.J. McCann MMFN, A. Nagy EM1, M.E. Marshall MMFA, D.A. Fogg BT3, M.O’Hare MMFN, R.L. Barr EMFN, M.M. Newell MMFN

Tuesday 17 January, USS Kyes got underway. The following men were transferred to the Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo School for TAD under instruction aboard USS Manchester CL83: B.E. Beeler GM3, C.L. Piggott SN, B.F. Adams SN,  J. Bench SN

Wednesday, 18 January, The following men were transferred for temporary additional duty under instruction to the Fleet Training Center, San Diego, California: G.T. Anderson TM1, B.A. Bowne FN, L.E. Brown MM3, F.J. Colbert SO3, J.W. Godfrey SOSN, B.R. Downen SN, J.C. Routt FA, D.T. Severson TM3, W. McCarty FA, A.L. Hurst FN, P.L. Gilbert SOSN

Thursday, 19 January,  CDR William L. Lowry, Commanding Officer, departed on three days leave. D.E. Carlos, TM3 reported aboard from U.S. Naval Station, Treasure Island, California.

Friday, 20 January, ComAirPac assumed SOPA.  USS Doyle DMS 34, moored alongside to port.

Sunday 22 January, USS Johnnie Hutchins DE 360, moored starboard side to USS Radford DDE 446. The following men were transferred to Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo School, San Diego California for TAD under instruction:  N.G. Vhalon SN, A. Achalek SN, R.E. Cable, Jr. BM2, C.W. Ewald SH3, R.H. Hawkins SN, E. Carr SN, H. Troglin SN, V.D. Monroe SN, C.D. Harmon SN, N.H. McMillan SA, J.L. Campbell CS3, C.E. Hallford SA

Monday, 23 January, USS Doyle DMS 34, got underway.  Underway Training Element of inspection party of Fleet Training Group, San Diego came aboard, and crew went to general quarters for battle problem. The following men were transferred to the Fleet Training School for TAD under instruction: A Nagy EM1, D.A. Fogg BT3, E.M. Jones FN, R.E. Barr FN, J.A. Enlow MM1, M. O’Hare FN, W.M. Newell FN, M.E. Marshall FN, W.T. Albert QM2, C.W. St Dennis QM3, W.E. Knowles SN, F.J. Mucklerath RM3

Tuesday, 24 January, Captain W.H, Jennings, USN, Senior Inspector of the Fleet Training Group, San Diego, California, conducted personnel and material inspections.  The following men were transferred to the U.S. Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo School, San Diego California for TAD under instruction: J.D. Bench SN, B.F. Adams SN, P.R. Doyle SN, H.L. Herrick SA, C.J. Riel SN, F.W. Hines GM3

Neudek, QMC reported on board for duty.

Wednesday, 25 January, The following men were transferred to the Fleet Training Center, San Diego, California TAD under instruction at Telephone Talker School:  C.H. Rhoy MM3, H.B. Campbell FN, H.N. Copeland FA, E. Davis SN, E. Davis SN, E.A. Gunnarson SH3, F.R. Huelson MMFN, J.H. Hunter FN, E.H. Hout FN, J.J. McCann MMFA

The following men were transferred to the Fleet Training Center, U.S. Naval Station San Diego for TAD under instruction for fire fighting school:  U. Thomas MMFN, A.A. Nathe MMFN, O. Lewis Jr. BTC, S.A. Meriwether RDSN, C.V. Stevens SK3, E.V. Glaim SN, R. Thurlow SN, E.C. Wilson SN, E.W. Poutt SN

R. Paez SO1 reported aboard for duty.

Friday 27 January,   C.E. Slaughter FTCA reported aboard for temporary additional duty.

Saturday, 28 January,  A.L. Edmondson RM3 was transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital, San Diego California for treatment.

Sunday, 29 January,  The following men were transferred to the Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo School, San Diego California for a course of instruction on the 3"/50 Battery: B.E. Beeler GM3, A.Banas SN, L.E. Lecorno BM3, R.A. Brenner SN, V,G, Wright BM3, J.E. Pollard SN, E.M. Baker Jr. FN, R. Thurlow SN, S.R. Hansen SN, E.D. Gudger TN, W.P. Harris TN, P.E. Thompson FN, J.N. Bender IC3, R.H. Hawkins SN

The following men were transferred to Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo School, San Diego, California TAD for a course of instruction on Stereo Rangefinder operation::  J.N. Holman, G. Broxson FCSN

Monday, 30 January, Pilot Hughes came aboard and moved Fletcher and Radford cold plant to pier 2, berth 2.

Tuesday, 31 January, Ship conducted general quarters drill and material condition Able.

February 1950

Wednesday, 1 February, Moored as before. Fletcher assigned to Escort Squadron One.

Thursday, 2 February, Moored as before, Exercised crew at fire quarters.

Friday, 3 February, Pilot John Milakovich came aboard and moved ship cold plant from pier 2 berth 2 to pier 3, berth 33 starboard side to USS McKean DD 784, at U.S. Naval Station, San Diego, California. Transferred torpedo 77785, gyro number 422732 to USS Dixie AD 14, and received torpedo 76198, gyro number 43592 from Dixie.

Saturday, 4 February, Moored as before.

Sunday, 5 February, Moored as before

Monday, 6 February, Lighted fires under boilers one and two. Secured shore services. Pilot Sloan came aboard. 0730 Fletcher got underway and pilot left the ship at 0740.  0825, Fletcher moored to buoy 12 in San Diego Harbor. W.H. Raynard, GM1, R.D. Clemo, GM1, were transferred TAD to USS Radford DDE 446.  Ensign D.A. Reed USNR reported aboard TAD.

Tuesday, 7 February, Fletcher got underway in company with USS Radford DDE 446.  Fletcher conducted general quarters and steering casualty drills.  Fletcher then conducted radar tracking drills. Fletcher then entered San Diego harbor and moored to buoy 12.  SOPA was ComAirPac.

Wednesday, 8 February, Fletcher got underway and proceeded to sea to conduct general quarters drill, steering casualty drill, engine casualty drill, man overboard drill and collision steering casualty drill. Fletcher then entered San Diego harbor and moored to buoy 12.

Thursday, 9 February, Fletcher got underway and proceeded to se, operating area MM 10 and 11. Visibility reduced to 1000 yards.  Commenced sounding fog signals. At 1207 Fletcher commenced radar navigation to enter San Diego harbor.  The fog cleared, and Fletcher moored to buoy 12, San Diego harbor.  Ensign D.A. Reed was detached TAD completed.

Friday, 10 February, Fletcher exercised crew at general quarters.  Took on fresh water from YW111. LTJG S. L. Birdwell reported back from emergency leave.

Saturday, 11 February, Moored as before.

Sunday, 12 February, Moored as before.

Monday, 13 February, Fletcher got underway, joining USS Radford DDE 446 in operating area MM14.  Conducted general quarters drill, main battery calibration, radar tracking exercise, and steering casualty drill. Received fuel oil at sea from USS Passumpsic AO 107. Conducted steering casualty drill. Darkened ship and acted as target for illuminating aircraft. Exercised crew at general quarters. Lighted ship.

Tuesday, 14 February,    Steaming in company with USS Radford, DDE 446 in operating areas MM 16, 17, and 18. Exercised crew at general quarters drill, radar tracking drill, and steering casualty drill.  Exercised at collision drill.  Proceeded to Berth B3, San Clemente Island, sounding fog signals.  Anchored in Berth B3, Pyramid Cove, San Clemente Island in company with USS Radford DDE 446.  Conducted Abandon Ship drill. USS Pinola ATA 206 stood in and anchored in Berth D 11.  USS Manchester CL 83 stood in and anchored in berth B2, assuming SOPA.

Wednesday, 15 February, Fletcher got underway sounding inland fog signals, Cleared anchorage and commenced fog signals in accordance with International Rules of the Road.  Conducted steering casualty drill. 1250 Changed course to avoid a surface contact.  With USS Radford DDE 446 abeam to port, commenced gunnery run with crew at general quarters.  1326 Fire reported in after officer’s country. 1329 Fire due to overheated electric stove, secured from fire stations.  Proceeded into San Diego harbor and moored to buoy 12.  A.L. Edmondson, RM3 was transferred to U.S. Naval Receiving Station, San Diego for discharge.

Thursday, 16 February, Moored as before, SOPA is ComAirPac.

Friday, 17 February, Moored as before. Ensign G.E. Sumner reported aboard for duty.

Saturday, 18 February, Moored as before. Captain conducted material inspection.

Sunday, 19 February, Moored as before.

Monday, 20 February, Fletcher got underway and proceeded to operating area.  Conducted aircraft tracking drills, General Quarters, Steering Casualty drill,   Stopped all engines and conducted Shore Bombardment exercises in Pyramid Cove, San Clemente Island.  Formed column with USS Radford DDE 446. Fletcher guide and OTC.

Tuesday, 21 February, Steaming as before.  Proceeded to rendezvous for firing exercises. Conducted 5"/38 gun surface calibration firing exercises.  Expended 26 rounds of 5"38 AAC and 4 rounds 3"/50 JT ammunition.  Conducted day spotting practice, expended 16 rounds of BL&P projectiles and 16 rounds SPDN.  Exercised ship at general quarters and steering casualty drills.  Fletcher then entered San Diego harbor and moored to buoy 12.

Wednesday, 22 February, Moored as before.  One man transferred under guard to U.S. Naval Hospital San Diego for medical observation.

Thursday, 23 February, Fletcher got underway   Conducted simulated torpedo firing attacks with USS Radford DDE 446. Conducted taking on of fuel underway and training in transfer of light freight and personnel with USS Passumpic AO 107. Fletcher then entered San Diego harbor and moored to buoy 12. SOPA is ComAirPac.

Friday, 24 February,   Moored as before. R.H. Thatcher RM3 was transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital San Diego, having reported to that activity for treatment.

Saturday, 25 February, Moored as before. M.I. Bisio, RD1 was transferred to U.S. Naval Administrative Unit, Sandia Base, New Mexico.  Sellman ME3 reported aboard for duty.

Sunday, 26 February, Moored as before.

Monday, 27 February,   Fletcher got underway and proceeded to the operating area.  Conducted torpedo runs with USS Radford DDE 446. Conducted steering casualty drill and firing anti-aircraft exercise. Fired 12 rounds 5"/38 ACC projectiles and 24 rounds 3"/50 VT projectiles.

Tuesday, 28 February,  Fletcher lowered boat to conduct fire and rescue drill.  Conducted shore bombardment rehearsal in area YYA.  Conducted steering casualty drill.  Conducted shore bombardment exercise in Pyramid Cove, San Clemente Island, including shore bombardment illumination.  Fired 10 rounds of 5"/38 starshells.  Fletcher then anchored in D-2, Pyramid Cove, San Clemente Island.

March 1950

Wednesday, 1 March,  Fletcher assigned to Escort Squadron One, DesFlot One. Anchored in berth D-2, Pyramid Cove, San Clemente Island.  USS Radford DDE 446 is also present.  Both ships got underway and commenced firing exercises. Expended 31 rounds 5"/38 AAC and 23 rounds of 5"/38 SPDN.  At 1225, experienced hangfire in Mount 51.  1315, Cleared the hangfire with no casualties. Resumed firing exercises expending 39 5"/38 AA common and 39 rounds SPDN, and 8 rounds FCLVT 3"/50. Fletcher then conducted towing exercises with USS Radford DDE 446. Fletcher then conducted high speed tracking exercise, and steering casualty drill.

Thursday, 2 March,   0323 Developed unknown underwater contact.  At 0432, abandoned search.  0511, Established sonar contact, evaluation submarine, identification unknown.  0540 Lost contact, search ineffective.  Exercised steering casualty drill.  0807, Commenced torpedo firing exercises with USS Radford DDE 446. Fletcher fired one torpedo. Torpedo ran hot, straight, and normal.  Torpedo passed aster of USS Radford.  1000, Lowered boat to retrieve torpedo. Fletcher then participated in towing exercise, with Radford towing Fletcher.  1407, Fletcher went alongside USS Platte AO24. Received 43399 gallons of NSO fuel.  Fletcher then proceeded into San Diego harbor and moored to buoy 12.

Friday, 3 March,   Fletcher took on 6700 gallons of fresh water from YW 111. P. Avery, Jr QMC reported aboard for duty.  Fletcher transferred torpedo MK 15, Mod 2, serial number 76198, gyro number 43592 to USS Dixie AD 17, and received torpedo number 21250, gyro number 17674.

Saturday, 4 March,   Moored as before. SOPA is Com First Fleet in USS Curtiss AV 4.

Sunday, 5 March, Moored as before.

Monday, 6 March, Fletcher got underway, proceeded to the operating area and conducted ASW exercises with USS Volador SS 490. Fletcher then proceeded to Coronado Roads, California and anchored in berth 134.

Tuesday, 7 March, Fletcher got underway and joined USS Radford DDE 446 in ASW exercises with USS Volador SS 490. Fletcher conducted two hedgehog attacks and 7 depth charge attacks. Expended 21 7.2 plaster loaded projectiles and 6 MK lll AL Gabd grenades.  Fletcher then proceeded to berth 134, Coronado Roads and anchored.  SOPA is ComFirstFleet in USS Curtiss AV 4.

Wednesday, 8 March, Fletcher got underway and transferred mail with USS Radford DDE 446. Fletcher and Radford conducted ASW exercises with USS Volador SS 490.

Thursday, 9 March, Fletcher proceeded to Coronado Roads and anchored in berth 134 at 0142.  0607, Fletcher got underway and conducted ASW exercises with USS Radford DDE 446 and USS Volador SS 490.  Expended 7.2 plaster loads and 12 MK III hand grenades. Went alongside USS Platte AO24 and received 34,564 gallons of NSO fuel.  Fletcher then entered San Diego harbor and moored to buoy 12.

Friday, 10 March, Fletcher got underway and proceeded to operating area. Conducted final battle problem.  Fletcher then proceeded in to San Diego harbor and moored to buoy 12. L.D. Hall FN was placed on sick list due to fractured toe, not due to misconduct. Fletcher got underway and moored portside to UDD John A Bole DD 755 at buoy 25. R.A. Brooks BT2 was transferred to San Diego Pacific Fleet Reserve.  USS Radford DDE 446 moored alongside to starboard.  SOPA is ComAirPac.  P.B. Dickie YN3 was received aboard.

Saturday, 11 March,  The following personnel departed on 30 days leave: G.L. Anderson TM1, J.W. Godfrey, Jr. SO3, A.M. Dunning SO3, W.F. McSween SN.  J.M. Lanier SN, departed on 26 days leave.  F.L. Wilkins YN3 departed on 3 days leave.  S.B. Crothers SO3 departed on 24 days leave.

Sunday, 12 March,  Moored as before.  USS Lofburg DD 759 moored portside to USS Bole DD755. 2025, Fletcher got underway for San Francisco in company with USS Radford DDE 446.

Monday, 13 March,  Enroute San Diego California to Ammunition Depot, Port Chicago, California.  Conducted steering casualty drill and General Quarters for depth charge firing. Fired full pattern of 11 depth charges, Mark 9.  Conducted full power run at 34.5 knots.  1925 Passed under Golden Gate Bridge. Passed Invincible Rock light, Brothers light, and entered Carquinez Strait Channel.  2047 Anchored Carquinez Strait naval anchorage berth 21

Tuesday, 14 March, Anchored as before SOPA is Commanding Officer USS Fletcher. 0658 Fletcher got underway proceeding to Port Chicago.  Passed underneath Carquinez Bridge, and Southern Pacific Bridge. Moored portside to pier 3, U.S. Naval Magazine, Port Chicago, California.  Offloaded all ammunition for temporary storage at U>S> Naval Magazine, Port Chicago. Got underway, passing under Southern Pacific and Carquinez bridges.  Passed Alcatraz and Treasure Island.  Passed under the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge.  Moored port side to USS Radford DDE 446 in berth 7, U.S. Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, California. SOPA is USS General Anderson AP11.

Wednesday, 15 March, Moored as before. D.D. Schroeder, MM1 was transferred to U.S. Naval Station, Tongues Point, Astoria, Oregon. M. Sutherland CSC reported aboard for duty.

Thursday, 16 March, Moored as before.  L.P. Dallaglie MM3 was transferred to U.S. Naval Receiving Station Treasure Island California for discharge.  G.C. Henderson, HN, reported aboard for duty.

Friday, 17 March, Moored as before.

Saturday, 18 March, Moored as before.  H.A. Crickmer BT1 was transferred Headquarters Third Naval District, New York City.

Sunday, 19 March, Moored as before.

Monday, 20 March, Moored as before.  LTJG J.J. Dougherty relieved LCDR N.L. Ellis Jr. as Navigator.

Tuesday, 21 March, Moored as before.

Wednesday, 22 March, Moored as before. W.P. Harris TN was transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital, Oakland California for treatment.

Thursday, 23 March, Moored as before.

Friday, 24 March, Moored as before.  LTJG T.J. Burgoyne departed on leave.

Saturday, 25 March, Moored as before.

Sunday, 26 March, Moored as before.

Monday, 27 March, Moored as before.  SOPA now Commanding Officer, USS Valley Forge CV45.  J.E. Cavanaugh, RMC, was transferred TAD to the Naval Training Station, San Diego, California.

Tuesday, 28 March, Moored as before. V.L. Butler, SOSN, reported aboard for duty.

Wednesday, 29 march, Moored as before. C.E. Slaughter CFC was transferred to USS Hollister DD 788.

Thursday, 30 March, Moored as before.  Took on following stores from local suppliers: 125 pounds of peaches, 150 pounds of spare ribs, 50 pounds of peppers, 150 pounds of carrots, 152 pounds of lemons.

Friday, 31 March, Moored as before.  Took on following stores from local suppliers: 200, 15 ounce white loaves of bread.

April, 1950

Saturday, 1 April, Moored as before. Fletcher was assigned to DesDiv 31, DesRon One.

Sunday, 2 April, Moored as before.

Monday, 3 April, Moored as before. SOPA is USS General Randall AP115. W.L. Courtney, DK2, was transferred to Naval Air Station Anacostia.

Tuesday, 4 April, Moored as before.  K.K. Stratton, FN, was transferred TAD to Movie Operators School, U.S. Naval Training Center, San Diego California.

Wednesday, 5 April, Moored as before.  A.M. Krause, CSC, was transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital, Oakland, California for treatment.

Thursday, 6 April, Moored as before. SOPA is USS General Anderson AP111.  Lighted fires under number one boiler, set the special sea detail, and conducted dock trials. 

Friday, 7 April, Moored as before. E.A. Gunnarson, SH3, transferred to Blakeley, OinC, Naval Communications Station, Bambridge Island, Washington.  U. Thomas, FN, was transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital, Oakland, California for treatment.

Saturday, 8 April, Moored as before. SOPA is USS General Randall AP115. LT H.R. Weston was detached.  Fletcher got underway for bay trials. Passed under Oakland Bay Bridge. Passed Alcatraz Island.  Passed under Golden Gate Bridge.  Passed San Francisco Light Ship and commenced full power run   Completed full power run and entered main ship channel. Passed under Golden Gate Bridge.   Passed Alcatraz Island. Passed under Oakland Bay Bridge. Moored alongside USS Radford DDE 446 in berth 7-B, San Francisco Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, California.

Sunday, 9 April, Moored as before.

Monday, 10 April, Moored as before.

Tuesday, 11 April, Moored as before. F.K. Williams QMC, was transferred to U.S. Naval Station, Treasure Island, California for transfer to Fleet Reserve.

Wednesday, 12 April. Moored as before.

Thursday, 13 April.  Moored as before. LTJG T.J. Burgoyne relieved LTJG J.J. Dougherty as Navigator. USS Radford DDE 446 breasted out in tow of YTL567.  Fletcher got underway and proceeded to San Pablo Bay, anchoring in berth 21, Carquinez Straits, California.

Friday, 14 April.  Moored as before. USS Radford anchored nearby. USS Fletcher is SOPA.

Fletcher got underway and moored to pier 4, berth 5, Naval Magazine, Port Chicago, California.

Fletcher took on the following ammunition: 5"/38 projectiles, 238 AAC(MTF), 172(VT), 38 VT(Non Frag), 42 Common, 4 target, 3 WP, 5"/38 powder, SPDN, 222 SPDF, 4 SPPN(short), 2 SPDN (Red). 3"50, 1310 AAC(VT) SPDN, 413 AAC(VT) SPDF, 387 VT (frag), 6 SPDN (disl). 20 MM, 12 boxes HET, 2 boxes HETDI, 255 boxes Hel, 13 boxes DI&P, 7.2 projectiles, 120 TNT load, 51 MK9 Mod 4 Depth charges, 11 MK 14 Mod O depth charges and a full allowance of small arms ammunition. Fletcher then got underway in company of USS Radford DDE 446.  Passed under Southern Pacific Bridge. Passed Carquinez Straits Bridge.  Passed Brothers Light.  Passed Red Rock.  Passed Alcatraz Island. Passed under Golden Gate Bridge enroute to San Diego, California. Passed Pigeon Point Light.

Saturday, 15 April, Passed Point Sur, Pine Point Light.  Fletcher is OTC. Commenced steering by variable course clock.  Conducted man overboard drills, and steering casualty drills. Passed Santa Cruz Island light. Passed Point Fermin light.

Sunday, 16 April, Fletcher and Radford entered San Diego harbor. Fletcher moored starboard side to USS De Haven DD 727 at buoy 20, San Diego harbor, San Diego California.  Radford moored alongside to port.  LCDR Ellis reported aboard from TAD at the Fleet Sonar School, San Diego, California.

Monday, 17 April, Moored as before.  USS Mansfield DD 728 was also moored in the nest. SOPA is ComAirPac. P. Santalucia, Jr. DKSN and S. Kropinicki, SKSN reported aboard for duty.  Fletcher took on fuel from YO 131.  J.M Enloe, MM1, was transferred to the Retraining Command, Norfolk, VA for normal tour of shore duty.  R.L. Helson, CS3 was transferred to Naval Training Center, San Diego.  C.R. Thayer reported aboard for duty.

Tuesday, 18 April,   Radford got underway and stood out to sea.  Fletcher got underway.  Fletcher took station astern of USS DeHaven DD 727 in column.  USS Eversole DD 729, and USS Shelton DD 790 joined the formation. Fletcher was detached for picket station.  Conducted AA exercises at general quarters.  Took various courses and speed to avoid air attacks.  After sunset, Fletcher acted as target for high speed tracking drills for task group 52-1.

Wednesday, 19 April,  Steaming in company with task group 52.1 consisting of USS St Paul CA 73, USS Rochester CA 124, USS Mansfield DD 728, USS Eversole DD 789, USS DE Haven DD 727, USS James E. Kyes DD 787, USS Brush DD 745, Fletcher, USS Shelton DD 790, USS Taussig DD 746, USS Moore DD 747, USS Maddox DD 731, Radford. OTC is USS St Paul. TG 52.1.

Fletcher left formation and proceeded to area GG 54 to rendezvous with USS Badoeing Strait CVE 116, and conducted plane guard operations. After completing air ops, Fletcher was detached and proceeded toward Coronado Roads anchorage.

Thursday, 20 April, 0230 Fletcher anchored in berth 125, Coronado Roads, San Diego, California.  0824 Fletcher got underway to search for lost F4U4 aircraft.  1130 Received report of wreckage west of South Coronado Island, and discontinued search.  1217 Transferred personnel by boat. Fletcher then refueled from USS Platte, and proceeded to San Diego harbor. Fletcher moored to starboard of USS Radford DDE 446 at buoy 18.  USS Doyle DMS 34 moored to starboard side of Radford.

Friday, 21 April,  Moored as before, USS Chevalier DDR 805 moored to port.  K.A. Ballew GMC was transferred TAD under instruction to U.S. Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo School, San Diego, California. 1405 Radford got underway.

Saturday, 22 April,  Moored as before.  D. Bland, FN, E.C. Gilpin SN, T.D. Dombroskie, SA, E.L. Gentry, SA, J.L. Mills, SA, reported on board for duty.

Sunday, 23 April,  Moored as before in nest with USS Higbee DDR 806, USS Chevalier DDR 805, and USS Doyle DMS 34.

Monday, 24 April,  Fletcher got underway and proceeded to NEL buoy to obtain radiation patterns, then returned to San Diego harbor, mooring in nest with USS Eversole DD 789, USS Shelton DD 790, USS Radford DDE 446, USS Currier DE 700, and USS Dixie AD 14.

Tuesday, 25 April, Moored as before. R.W. Latham, EN3, T.E. Hansen, BT3, and C.W. Wilson, Jr, SO3 were transferred to Naval Receiving Station, San Diego, for discharge.

Wednesday, 26 April,   Moored as before. YTB 701 breasted out Fletcher from the nest in order for work between Fletcher and USS Eversole DD 789. Fletcher then moored alongside Eversole.  Navy Fuel Barge YOG 36 came alongside to transfer fuel oil. YW111 came alongside the fuel barge and transferred water. Fletcher took on diesel fuel from YTB 701. R.L. Kane, FA, reported aboard from U.S. Naval Station San Diego, for duty.   YW 111 and YOG 36 departed and Fletcher took on fuel oil from USS Dixie AD 14.

Thursday, 27 April, Moored as before.  E. Miler, FA, reported aboard for duty. YG 46 came alongside to port quarter, then later got underway.  M.G. Chase, SA, K. Hester, SA, and D.E. Collins, SA, reported aboard for duty. Calvert, SN, L.D. Eastham, SN, and J.A. Tow FA, reported aboard for duty.  E. Hackey, SA, R.E. Fillipe, ESFSA, and T.W. Doremus, SA, reported aboard for duty.

Friday, 28 April, Moored as before.  J. Harding, SA, reported aboard from S.S. naval Receiving Station San Diego for duty.  S.J. Jacobs SK1, was transferred to U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes Ill. For duty. V.C. Stevens SK3, was transferred to U.S. Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Oceana, VA for duty.  W.J. Thomas MM1, was transferred to USS Kyes DD 787 for duty.  Took on 24 plaster load 7.2" projectiles. H.E. Simmons SN reported aboard from Helicopter Squadron One for duty.  M.W. St Clair, FN, W.A. Prosser, FN, F.H. Jones, FN. W.L. Hensen, SN, reported aboard for duty. W. Anderson, BT3, and R.L. Kasher SA reported aboard from USS Currier DE 700 for duty.  LTJG D.J. Murphy reported aboard for transportation to Pearl Harbor Hawaii.

Saturday, 29 April,  Moored as before.  J.M. Coffell, BM2, was transferred to USS Dixie AD 14 for further transfer to USS Fechteler DD 867. C.A. Peat, SA, D.D. Reynolds, SA, J.P. Bell, SA, reported aboard for duty.  I.R. Jones, BT3, Was transferred to USS Currier DE700 for duty.  C. Wallace, TN, reported aboard for duty.

Sunday, 30 April, Moored as before.

May 1950

Monday, 1 May, Moored as before. Fletcher assigned to DesDiv 31, Destroyer Squadron Three. 0652 Fletcher got underway enroute to Pearl Harbor, T.H. Conducted ASW exercises with USS Radford DDE 446 on submarine. USS Valley Forge CV 45, took on aircraft from land bases. 

Tuesday, 2 May, Steaming in company with CTG 11.1 in USS Valley Forge CV 45, USS Juneau CLAA 119, USS Rochester, CA 124, USS Eversole, DD 789, USS Mansfield DD 728, USS Taussig, DD 746, USS Radford, DDE 446, USS DeHaven, DD 728, USS Moore, DD 747, USS Brush, DD 745, USS Maddox, DD 731, USS Shelton, DD 790. 0733, Commenced investigation of contact marked with smoke bomb dropped by aircraft. 1013, Fletcher conducted hedgehog attack with two 7.2 plaster loaded projectiles. Formation steered zigzag courses. 2006 Went alongside USS Caliente AO to take on 34,358 gallons of NSO fuel oil.

Wednesday, 3 May, Conducted replenishment at sea exercises with USS Alstede, AF 48, USS Navasota, AO 106, and USS Passumpic, AO 107. Fletcher then conducted torpedo attack exercises on USS Valley Forge, CV 45.  Fletcher next conducted fueling exercise with USS Caliente, AO.

Thursday, 4 May, Task Group in formation 4R with 10 ship concentric circular screen. Fletcher and USS Mansfield, DD 728, detached to conduct destroyer exercises, then rejoined formation. At 1810, HMCS Ontario 32 joined the formation.

Friday, 5 May, Steaming as before in Task Group 11.1 with OTC as CTG 11.1 in Valley Forge.

1758, DesDiv 92, and DesDiv 31 formed eight ship screen on circle 3 with USS Mansfield, DD 728, Screen consisted of Fletcher, Shelton, Eversole, Mansfield, Taussig, Brush, Moore, Maddox.

Saturday, 6 May, Steaming as before. 0701 lost all power due to low water.  0750 Casualty restored.  0818 Sounded sonar alert and commenced attack, firing one 7.2 plaster load. Fletcher then conducted general quarters for AA firing.  Expended 8 rounds 5/38 AAC, and 3 rounds 5/38 UTNF, 12 rounds 3/50 FCLVTNF, 90 rounds 20 MM HET, 1916 conducted simulated torpedo attack on USS Valley Forge, CV 45.

Sunday, 7 May, Steaming in company with Task Group 11.12 Fletcher went alongside USS Passumpsic, AO 107 for refueling.  J.P. Bench, SA, fractured first, middle, and ring finger of right hand.  Hand was caught between bridge combing and line from tanker.  Fletcher took on 42,800 gallons of NSO fuel oil. B.R. Dowen, SN, fractured one rib on right side when carried into lifeline by large wave.  USS Shelton, DD 790, conducted firing exercises on drone, then closed distance to USS Curtiss, AV 4, Fletcher then conducted firing exercises on drone, expending 8 rounds 3"/50 VTNF, 100 rounds 20 MM ammunition. 

Monday, 8 May, Steaming with Task Group Able (TG 11.1) 1246, Exercised at general quarters for simulated air attack. 1510 developed leak in boiler one, and left formation to effect repairs. 1528 Completed the repair. 1820 With Hawaiian Sea Frontier aircraft at 50 miles, went to general quarters.  1846 secured from general quarters. Valley Forge recovered its aircraft.

Tuesday, 9 May, Passed Diamond Head Light. Screening ships formed entry screen while heavies entered Pearl Harbor.  Screening ships then entered Pearl Harbor.  Fletcher moored port side to pier in berth S21 at the Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor, T.H.  Ensign J.W. Osmer reported aboard for duty.  LTJG D.J. Murphy was detached from TAD.

Wednesday, 10 May,   Moored as before SOPA is ComFirstFleet in USS Curtiss, AV 4.  H.A. Miller, RD3, was transferred to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment.

Thursday, 11 May, Moored as before.  Fletcher got underway and made several passages over the Degaussing Range. Fletcher then returned to the S docks at the Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor,T.H.

Friday. 12 May, Fletcher got underway and joined 8 ship screen on USS Valley Forge CV 45, and USS Juneau, CLAA 119 as Task Group 11.1 enroute to Apra Harbor, Guam. Commenced zig zag course.  1338 Sonar contact, went to general quarters. 1408 secured from general quarters.  1432 sonar contact. 1505 secured from general quarters.  Fletcher rejoined formation.

Saturday, 13 May, Underway as before.  0254 Fletcher began plane guard on USS Valley Forge, CV 45.  0344 Valley Forge completed aircraft launch.  1454 Fletcher took position 3000 yards on starboard beam to conduct RCM exercises.

Sunday, 14 May, Underway as before. 0747 Fletcher proceeded to rendezvous with USS Radford DDE 446, and USS Catfish SS 339. 0825 Catfish submerged.  Fletcher conducted X-1 attacks and re-attacks. 1148 Ceased ASW exercises. 1156 Catfish surfaced. 1350 Exercised crew at general quarters for AA firing.  1506 Completed firing, having expended 8 rounds 5"/38 AAC and 11 rounds 3"/50 FCLVTNF.  Fletcher rejoined the formation.

Monday, 15 May, Underway as before.  0800 Launched and recovered raft. 1240 Fletcher proceeded to form column astern of USS Mansfield DD 728, USS DeHaven DD 727 and USS Radford DDE 446 are astern of Fletcher.  1400 Fletcher conducted air control exercise.

Tuesday, 16 May, Underway as before with Valley Forge, Mansfield, DeHaven, Radford, and Fletcher.  Fletcher detached to refuel from USS Navasota AO 106, receiving 1427 barrels of fuel oil.  A supervisory examining board of LCDR N.L. Ellis, LT H. Weston, and LT C.S. Payne convened to conduct written professional examinations for promotion of Ensign H.W. Burns, and Ensign J.W. Osmer. Fletcher then rejoined USS Juneau CLAA 119 astern of USS Mansfield DD 728, then joined seven ship circular screen.

(note - 17 & 18 May are missing from the logs. One day can be attributed to crossing the International Date Line but the whereabouts of the other is unknown.)

Friday, 19 May, Steaming as before in circular screen of seven ships with USS Juneau CLAA 119. USS Valley Forge, CV 45, launched aircraft to tow targets, and USS Juneau CLAA 119 conducted firing exercises.  Valley Forge recovered aircraft, and Fletcher joined screen ahead of Valley Forge.

Saturday, 20 May, Steaming as before.  Fletcher detached from formation to join column consisting of USS Shelton DD 790, USS Fletcher DDE 445, USS Eversole DD 789, USS Radford DDE 446, and USS DeHaven DD 727. Conducted AntiAircraft firing at sleeve with 5/38 mounts 51 and 52. Fletcher then proceeded with Radford to join Valley Forge and join 4 ship screen.

Sunday, 21 May, Steaming as before.  OTC is ComCarDiv 3 in Valley Forge. Fletcher then joined ComDesRon 9 for destroyer tactical drills.  Exercised the crew at general quarters for AA firing practice. 1648, USS DeHaven DD 727 made light line transfer for movie exchange.

Monday, 22 May, steaming as before in company with USS Mansfield DD 728, and USS DeHaven DD 727.  Fletcher and Mansfield refueled from USS Navasota AO 106. Ships then rejoined USS Valley Forge CV 45, forming a circular 4 ship screen.

Tuesday, 23 May, Steaming as before. 0811 Valley Forge began to launch aircraft.  Task Group formed a column consisting of USS Juneau CLAA 119, USS Mansfield DD 728, USS Fletcher DDE 445, USS Valley Forge CV 45, and USS DeHaven DD 727 for AA firing exercise.  Fletcher expended 6 rounds AAC, 2 rounds of FCLVT 5/38 ammunition, 30 rounds of 3/50 FCLVT non frag, 558 rounds 20 mm b load, and 253 rounds 20 mm HET.  Formation then formed circular screen on Valley Forge.

Wednesday, 24 May, Steaming as before.

Thursday, 25 May, Steaming as before.  Fletcher took plane guard station 1 on Valley Forge.  Exercised crew at general quarters for simulated air attack. Fletcher detached to refuel from USS Navasota AO 106 receiving 51,6677 gallons Navy Special Fuel Oil. 1550, Helicopter from USS Valley Forge CV 45, dropped mail.

Friday, 26 May, Steaming as before in company with Juneau, Radford, Mansfield. Formed column astern of Juneau to take station on tug for surface shoot.  Completed firing run, expending 10 rounds 5"/38 ammunition.  1150 Changed course to enter Apra Harbor, Guam, Marianas. 1245 Moored starboard side to K-2 dock No. B Guam.  Radford came alongside to port.

Saturday, 27 May, Moored as before.  J.C. Routt FA was transferred to the Naval Barracks for further transportation to the United States for dependency discharge.  R.D. Miller BT1 was transferred to the Naval Barracks for transportation to Headquarters 3rd Naval District for duty. LTJG W.W. Okkerse was detached to report to U.S. Naval Postgraduate School for duty. LTJG J.J. Dougherty was detached and ordered to duty at the Naval Damage Control Center, Philadelphia, PA.  L.D. Eastham, SN, was transferred to the U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam, M.I. for treatment.

Sunday, 28 May, Moored as before.  SOPA is ComSeventhFlt in USS Rochester, CA 124. 0645 Underway from Apra Harbor, Guam. Formed 9 ship screen on USS Juneau CLAA 119. 1158 Juneau, Mansfield and DeHaven detached. 1239 Fletcher detached to retrieve sleeve from firing exercise. Fletcher then rejoined column formed on USS Rochester CA 124.

Monday, 29 May, Steaming as before enroute to Subic Bay, Philippine Islands. USS Valley Forge CV 45 is guide, with 7 ship circular screen. Conducted task group AA tactics. Fletcher then took picket station 16000 yards, 270 T from Valley Forge.

Tuesday, 30 May, Steaming as before. 0812 Valley Forge commenced flight operations. Fletcher then proceeded to form column with USS Maddox DD 731, USS Brush DD 745, USS Fletcher DDE 445, and USS Taussig DD 746.  Fletcher took station astern of Maddox. 1900 Commenced simulated torpedo attack.  Then formed circular screen on Valley Forge.

Wednesday, 31 May, Steaming as before. USS Eversole DD 789 in station one.  USS Wantuck APD 125 in station 3.  Fletcher in station 7.  Fletcher refueled from USS Navasota AO 106, receiving 1297 barrels Navy Special Fuel Oil. Fletcher then conducted light freight transfer with USS Taussig DD 746. Fletcher then proceeded to form column astern of USS Brush DD 745. USS Shelton DD 790 was guide.  Screen ships then formed T41 on USS Valley Forge CV 45.

June 1950

Thursday, 1 June, Enroute to Subic Bay, Philippine Islands, in company with CTF 79, including USS Valley Forge CV 45.  0301 Sighted San Bernardino Straits light.  Proceeding independently following Valley Forge through San Bernardino Straits via coast pilot route to Manila.  0932 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. 1009 Completed flight operations.  1525 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. Upon completion of plane guard operation, took station in 7 ship five station circular screen.  1825 Valley Forge commenced flight operations. 2144 Joined circular formation on USS Navasota AO 106

Friday, 2 June, 0442 Formation dissolved, proceeded to fall in astern of DesDiv 92 to enter Subic Bay. Passed Sueste Point, and Grand Island. 0646 Moored to buoy 18 Subic Bay, Philippine Islands. USS Piedmont AD 17 was SOPA. Radford came alongside and moored to port..  0938 Radford got underway to go alongside USS Navasota AO 106. Fletcher went alongside Navasota to refuel.  Fletcher then returned to buoy 18 and moored portside to Radford. 1300 Captain left the ship to make official calls on ComDesDiv 92 and Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Station, Subic Bay, P.I. Fletcher was ready duty destroyer.

Saturday, 3 June, Moored as before.  USS Taussig DD 746 assumed ready duty destroyer from Fletcher.  The Captain left the ship to make official call on Commanding Officer USS Piedmont AD 17.

Sunday, 4 June, Moored as before. 

Monday, 5 June, Moored as before.

Tuesday, 6 June, Moored as before. Received 14000 gallons of potable water from water barge.

Wednesday, 7 June, Moored as before.

Thursday, 8 June, Moored as before.  Fletcher got underway and proceeded to sea. Conducted ASW exercises with USS Catfish SS 339. Fletcher then returned to port and moored portside to Radford.

Friday, 9 June, Moored as before.

Saturday, 10 June, Moored as before. B. Canfield BT1, reported aboard for duty from USS Rochester.

Sunday, 11 June, Moored as before. 1810 Fletcher got underway and moored to buoy 10.

Monday, 12 June, Moored to buoy 18.  Radford got underway from alongside.  ComDesRon 3 shifted his flag to Fletcher.  USS Rochester stood in and moored.  USS Shelton DD 790 stood in and moored to buoy 20. ComDesRon 3 shifted his flag to Shelton.

Tuesday, 13 June, Moored as before.  SOPA is Com7thFlt in USS Rochester CA 124.  Number 1 main fuel oil pump was out of commission for repair.  0630 Radford got underway, then Fletcher got underway for training area A67e. Fletcher conducted ASW exercises with USS Segundo SS 398.  Upon completion of exercises, Fletcher returned to buoy 18.

Wednesday, 14 June, Moored as before.  Fletcher got underway for operating area. Conducted exercises with USS Radford DDE 446, USS Brush DD 745, and USS Taussig DD 746. Fletcher then returned to buoy 18.

Thursday, 15 June, Moored as before.

Friday, 16 June, Moored as before. Fletcher got underway for operating area.  Conducted ASW exercises, expending five 7.2 plaster loads. Fletcher then returned to Subic Bay and moored starboard side to USS Navasota AO 106.  Received 57,149 gallons of Navy Special fuel oil.  Fletcher then moored to buoy 18.  Radford moored to port. YW 123 got underway from alongside.  The following men were transferred TAD from Naval Station, Subic Bay: W.A. Burreece CMSN,  H. Pierce ENFA, J.R. Sheron EMFN, J.F. Valentine ENFN.

Saturday, 17 June, Moored as before. SOPA is ComCarDiv 3 in USS Valley Forge CV 45. 0714, underway for Hong Kong.  Joined barrier patrol while heavies sortied.  Fletcher took plane guard station 1 on Valley Forge. 0914, Valley Forge launched aircraft.  Fletcher then conducted sleeve recovery. Fletcher then resumed plane guard for Valley Forge.  Fletcher again recovered a sleeve and rejoined Valley Forge astern.

Sunday, 18 June, Fletcher underway for Hong Kong, BCC in company with USS Radford DDE 446 and USS Valley Forge CV 45.  Valley Forge launched aircraft, and Fletcher recovered two sleeves. Fletcher took station astern of Radford, then sheered out of column to receive helicopter.  Fletcher transferred the sleeves to the helicopter. Fletcher then took station 2000 yards astern of Valley Forge.

Monday, 19 June, Steaming as before. O736 passed Wanglan light. 0749 passed Hong Kong light. 0856 Moored to buoy 6, Hong Kong Harbor. The following men left on 4 days leave: H.E. Pierce, J.R. Sherbon, W.A. Burreese, J.F. Valentine and G. Banott.

Tuesday, 20 June, Moored as before.  Units of the British Fleet and the U.S. Seventh Fleet were present. Union Waterboat M70V came alongside and transferred fresh water. Commodore, Hong Kong, came aboard to make an official call on the Commanding Officer of USS Fletcher DDE 446.

Wednesday, 21 June.  Moored as before Ships present were USS Valley Forge CV 45, USS Wantuck APD 125, and USS Radford DDE 446, together with units of the British Asiatic Fleet.

Thursday, 22 June. Moored as before.

Friday, 23 June, Moored as before.

Saturday, 24 June, Moored as before. Valley Forge, Radford and Fletcher got underway enroute to Subic Bay, P.I.

Note - J. Norb Bender IC3 recalls that on June 24th liberty parties ashore were ordered back to their ships by the shore patrol. Fletcher and Radford got underway and at 0200 hours on the 25th the crews were told that the US was now at war with North Korea.

Sunday, 25 June, Underway as before. Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. Air Controller was transferred from Valley Forge.  One jet aircraft crashed in water on takeoff. 1438 Helicopter picked up pilot and transferred him to Fletcher.  1645 Transferred pilot by helicopter to Valley Forge. 1655 Transferred air controller to Valley Forge. Fletcher then took station in bent line screen.  On this date, North Korean troops crossed the 38th parallel at eleven points. The UN called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of North Korean forces.

Monday, 26 June, Steaming as before. Task group entered Subic Bay, P.I., and Fletcher went alongside USS Navasota AO 106 to refuel, then proceeded to buoy 18, and moored.  J.V. Harding, SA, reported aboard for duty.

Tuesday, 27 June, Moored as before.  0558 Fletcher underway for Sasebo Japan.  Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge.  Valley Forge launched aircraft. Fletcher then took station in screen. Conducted dusk alert, then zig-zagging course.

At 0515 after emergency replenishment, the Striking Force sortied accompanied by Piedmont and Navasota, and headed north.

On this date, the UN security council, with USSR absent, asked members to furnish assistance to the Republic of Korea. The United States immediately intervened.  A USAF F 82 shot down a North Korean YAK in the first air victory of the war.

Wednesday, 28 June, Steaming as before with Com7th Flt in USS Rochester CA 124, and ComCarDiv 3 in USS Valley Forge CV 45. 0849, USS Maddox DD 731, and USS Moore DD 747 joined the formation. 0933, service group TG 77.3 detached with Maddox and Moore.. Fletcher sighted suspicious object in water and investigated.  Investigation had negative results.

Conducted dusk alert, then Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge.

Thursday, 29 June, Steaming in company with TG 77.1, TG 77.2, andTG 77.4 less Maddox and Moore enroute to Buckner Bay, Okinawa. Conducted dawn and dusk alerts, zig-zag courses, and general quarters drills.

On this date Seoul fell to North Korean forces.  0230 USS Juneau sunk the ROK JML 305, because of faulty information on the location of ROK forces. At 2311 Juneau commenced the first shore bombardment of the war.  The British Admiralty placed Royal Navy units in Japanese waters at the disposition of ComNavFe.

Friday, 30 June. Steaming as before.  0646 Screening ships commenced entry screening for heavies. 0705, Fletcher proceeded to assist Radford with sonar contact. Fletcher then entered Buckner Bay, Okinawa, and moored port side to USS Rochester CA 124.  Fletcher refueled from Rochester.  Fletcher then proceeded to the assigned anchorage.

On this date, President Truman approved the commitment of American Troops.

July, 1950

Saturday, 1 July, Anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa.  SOPA was Com7thFlt in USS Rochester CA 124.  Various units of the U.S. Seventh Fleet and British Asiatic Fleet were present. 0702 Fletcher got underway and relieved USS Maddox DD 731 as sonar guard for Southeast channel. Fletcher anchored in channel.  1700 Fletcher got underway and took station 3 in bent line screen. Fletcher then took station 4 in 8 ship circular screen.  2015 Fletcher investigated sonar contact.  Contact evaluated as non sub. Fletcher then rejoined screen.

USS Fletcher DDE 445 was assigned to Destroyer Div 31, Destroyer Squadron 3.

Sunday 2 July, Steaming as before. 0640 formation changed to 10 ship screen, Fletcher in station 4. 1535 HMS Triumph launched 4 aircraft.  2055 Conducted dusk alert.

On this date, USS Juneau off Chumunjin on the Korean east coast, destroyed three of four North Korean torpedo boats that were attacking Juneau and HMS Jamaica This action destroyed the North Korean’s entire navy.

Monday 3 July, Steaming as before in company with combined British, U.S. Task Force 77.enroute to Korea and Yellow Sea. 0510 Exercised crew at dawn alert. 0745 Unidentified aircraft on radar, went to general quarters. 0745 aircraft identified as friendly, secured from general quarters.  1325,Valley Forge began launch of aircraft. 1435, completed air launch.  1515 Valley Forge began recovery of aircraft. 1541 aircraft recovery completed.  1616 air operations began.  1705 air operations completed.  Fletcher took station 1500 yards ahead of HMS Belfast.

At 0500, Valley Forge launched combat and antisubmarine patrols, and at 0545 Triumph flew off 12 Fireflys and ( Seafires for an attack on the airfield at Haeju, and 15 minutes later, Valley Forge commenced launching her strike group.  16 Corsairs loaded with eight 5 inch rockets each, and 12 Skyraiders carrying bombs were launched against the Pyongyang airfield.   Valley Forge then launched F9F-2 Panthers which would bring them in first over the target area.

This was the first Carrier airstrikes of the Korean War, and the F9F-2 Panther Jets were the first Fighter jets in combat.  In the afternoon, aircraft from the Triumph flew a second strike and a second attack by Valley Forge aircraft against the marshaling yards at Pyongyang and the bridges across the Taedong River.

Tuesday, 4 July, Steaming as before in Task Group 77.  0456 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. 0515 dawn alert. 0544 Valley Forge began aircraft launch. 0625 launch complete.  0808 Carriers conducted air operations. 1216 sonar contact, went to general quarters.  1221 contact negative, secured from general quarters. Fletcher took station 9 in 12 station screen.  1702 went to general quarters due to unidentified aircraft. 1800 secured from general quarters.  1804 Fletcher went alongside Valley Forge for refueling, then returned to screening station.

This day consisted of further attacks on Pyongyang.  A break was made in one of the Taedong River bridges, some locomotives were destroyer and some small ships in the river were attacked.  Four Ads were damaged by AA fire, and one unable to lower its flaps landed fast and bounced over the barrier, destroying three aircraft and damaging six more.

Wednesday, 5 July, Underway with Task Forge 77 with units of the British Fleet enroute from Yellow Sea to Buckner Bay Okinawa.   0555 TG77.5 less HMS Triumph detached.  Formed 10 ship circular screen.

HMS Triumph carried Seafire 47s and Fairey Fireflys aircraft and operated with U.S. forces.  On this date was first U.S. ground action of the war.  406 infantry and 134 artillery personnel engaged and delayed advancing North Korean army in Battle of Osan.

On this date 57 Army nurses arrive at Pusan and 12 nurses moved forward with a MASH unit to Taejon.

Thursday, 6 July, Underway Yellow Sea to Buckner Bay Okinawa with Task Force 77 less HMS Belfast, HMS Consort and HMS Cosseck.  OTC was Com7thFlt in USS Rochester CA 124. Carriers HMS Triumph and USS Valley Forge CV 45 in the formation.  Fletcher in station 7 of 8 ship screen. 0816 destroyers formed entry screen. Fletcher entered Buckner Bay and anchored in sonar station 2.  Angele, RDSA, L.R. Davis. FN, C. Maldonado, MM3, T.L. Watson SN, D.g. Bywater ETSN all reported aboard for duty.  2132 Fletcher relieved of Sonar Guard duty and got underway to go alongside USS Navasota AO 106 to refuel. 

Friday, 7 July, Fletcher moored alongside Navasota.  0044 Fletcher got underway and anchored in assigned berth. H.A. Hammack, BMC, reported aboard for duty. 1601 Fletcher got underway and moored port side to Baker Docks, Buckner Bay, Okinawa.

Saturday, 8 July, Moored as before.  Fletcher got underway and anchored in assigned anchorage. C.R Thayer MMC, left on 30 days emergency leave.

On this date, the UN Security Council set up a Korean command under the United States, and President Truman designated General Douglas MacArthur as commanding general of UN forces in Korea. 

Sunday, 9 July, Anchored in berth B-211, Buckner Bay, Okinawa. 0002 Fletcher got underway for berth 2-53 for sonar guard duties. 0830, L Anderson TM!, received a fractured right index finger and 1½ inch gash on his head after falling to the main deck from the 01 level while working on the torpedo tubes.  Accident not due to misconduct. C.E. Hjallford, SA, was transferred to USS Piedmont AD 17 for further transfer. S.D. Pevehouse Sa, reported aboard for duty.

Monday, 10 July, Anchored as before. 1331 Fletcher got underway and went alongside USS Navasota AO 106 to refuel. Fletcher then anchored in anchorage D3.

Tuesday, 11 July, Anchored as before.

Wednesday, 12 July, Anchored as before.  1750 Fletcher took on 5"/38 and 20mm ammunition.

Thursday, 13 July, Anchored as before. 0539 Fletcher got underway for operations off Okinawa. Fletcher joined USS Maddox DD 731, and HMS Comus in screen formation on HMS Triumph. 1002 HMS Triumph conducted air operations.  1025 HMS Triumph completed air operations.

Fletcher returned to Buckner Bay and anchored.  Fletcher then got underway and went alongside Navasota to refuel.  Fletcher then got underway and anchored in berth D-3.

Friday, 14 July, Anchored as before. 0730 Fletcher got underway and anchored in sonar guard station 2.

Saturday, 15 July, Fletcher anchored in sonar station 1. Ensign H.P. Rush, Jr. reported aboard for duty.  Exercised crew at general quarters.

Sunday, 16 July, Anchored as before in sonar station 2.  0756 Fletcher got underway and moored portside to USS Navasota AO 106 to refuel.  Fletcher then anchored in berth D-3.  Ensign R. Holman reported aboard for duty. P.R. Cofflet, SK1, G.H. Teclaw MMFN, W.J. Emberton MMC,A.L. Butterfield MMC, and E.M. Barnes, MMC, reported on board for duty.   1025 Fletcher got underway for sortie screen station.  Fletcher took station 1 in 10 ship circular screen.  Formed formation 4 G for AA firing practice.  Changed formation to 4 R. Fletcher in station 1.

Monday, 17 July, Underway with Task Force 77 enroute to Sea of Japan 0602, Valley Forge began launching aircraft.  0851 held general quarters for AA firing exercise.  2030 conducted dusk alert.

Tuesday, 18 July, Underway with Task Force 77 enroute from Okinawa to Sea of Japan.  0524 Valley Forge began flight operations.  0537 Completed air operations.  0540 conducted dawn alert. 0558 Valley Forge began flight operations.  0602 secured from dawn alert. 0620 Valley Forge completed flight operations. 0741 Valley Forge and HMS Triumph began flight operations.  1230 commenced flight operations. 1935, completed air operations.  2034 conducted dusk alert.

Wednesday, 19 July,  Fletcher underway in company with Task Force 77. Heavy ships in 4R and destroyers in ten station 8 ship circular formation. 0524 Valley Forge began flight operations.  0537 flight operations completed. 0540 Conducted dawn alert. 0558 Valley Forge began flight ops.  0620 Flight ops completed.  0741 Valley Forge and Triumph commenced flight operations.  1230 Commenced flight operations. 1935 Valley Forge and Triumph completed launch and recovery of aircraft. 2038 Conducted dusk alert.

Thursday, 20 July, Steaming in company with Task Force 77, with OTC Com7thFlt in USS Rochester CA 124.  Fletcher went alongside HMS Triumph for refueling.  1329 Completed refueling.

On this day, North Korean troops drove U.S. troops out of Taeton Korea.  U.S. Eight Army withdrawn to Pusan.

Friday, 21 July, Underway with TF 77 enroute from Sea of Japan to Yellow Sea.  1354, Passed Haeam So Island. 1435 HMS Triumph and HMS Comus were detached from formation. 1720 Passed Manjae Do Island. 2024 Conducted dusk alert.

Saturday, 22 July, Underway as before from Sea of Japan to Yellow Sea. 0625 Valley Forge commenced air operations.  0642 Completed air operations.  0717 Valley Forge began flight ops method Able. 1338 Valley Forge commenced air ops. 1355 Completed air ops.  1411 Valley Forge commenced flight ops.  1514 Fletcher went alongside Rochester for guard mail.  1516, Away from Rochester, proceeding to Valley Forge. 1611 F;etcher passed guard mail to Valley Forge and took plane guard station.  1721 Secured from plane guard and returned to screen. 2042 Conducted dusk alert.

Sunday, 23 July, Steaming as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea.  1142 Fletcher went alongside Rochester to refuel and deliver guard mail to ships in formation.  1501 Transferred guard mail to Valley Forge.  1528 Transferred guard mail to USS Shelton DD 790.  1548 Transferred guard mail to USS Eversole.  1726 Completed guard mail to all other ships in formation. 2016 Fletcher took safety station astern USS Navasota AO 106.2312 returned to screening station.

Monday, 24 July, Steaming in company with TF 77 plus USS Navasota AO 106 from Yellow Sea to Sasebo, Japan.  0425 Changed to formation 4T1 with DesDiv 31 in line of bearing.  Entered swept channel approach to Sasebo, Japan. 0805 Commenced standing into channel.  0930 Fletcher moored starboard side to SS Brown Ranger at x-14, Sasebo, Japan. 1005 Fletcher took on fuel from Brown Ranger. 1105 Fletcher proceeded to buoy X-1 and moored port side to USS Eversole DD 789. Ships in nest" USS Shelton, USS Eversole DD 789, and Fletcher.    2255 Fletcher got underway, and cleared Sasebo harbor. 2024 Conducted dusk alert.

Tuesday, 25 July, Underway with TF 77 enroute to the Sea of Japan. Carriers are USS Valley Forge CV 45, and HMS Triumph.  0435 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. 0811 Flight ops completed and Fletcher returned to screen. 0847 Fletcher went alongside Valley Forge to transfer carrier personnel 0919 Completed personnel transfer and took plane guard station. 0953 Completed plane guard, and proceeded to go alongside HMS Triumph to transfer carrier personnel. 1015 Completed personnel transfer and returned to screen station.  1157 Commenced transfer of personnel from USS Maddox DD 731 via high line. Received personnel who had missed sailing for Fletcher and USS Brush DD 745.  1206 Fletcher completed transfers and returned to screening station. 1323 HMS Triumph conducted air ops.  1358 Valley Forge and HMS Triumph conducted air operations.  1510 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. 1645 Fletcher again took plane guard on Valley Forge.  Fletcher then took plane guard station on Triumph.  2035 air ops completed. 2112 Secured from dusk alert.

Note: Formation was operating Southeast of Pusan Korea.

Wednesday, 26 July, Steaming with TF 77 east of Pusan Korea. 0620 Fletcher took plane guard station on HMS Triumph for aircraft launch.  0648 Valley Forge launched aircraft.  0826 Fletcher took plane guard on Triumph.  1225 Fletcher took plane guard station on Triumph.  0950 smokeless powder samples tested marginal. Fletcher took plane guard on Triumph 1039 Triumph completed air ops. 1212 Fletcher took plane guard station on Triumph. Fletcher again took plane guard on Triumph. 2035 Air ops completed and dusk alert conducted.

Thursday. 27 July, steaming with TF 77 Southwest of Pusan Korea. OTC was Com7th Flt in USS Rochester CA 124. 0524 USS Valley Forge CV 45 launched aircraft. 0808 Fletcher went alongside Valley Forge for refueling and transfer o provisions.  0822 ceased refueling.  0845 Fletcher went alongside Valley Forge again for refueling.  1040 Completed refueling. 1130 USS Eversole DD 789 came alongside Fletcher to pass mail.  1140 Mail transfer completed. 1320 Fletcher went alongside USS Navasota AO 106 to transfer mail.  1502 Transfer complete. 1523 Fletcher went alongside Valley Forge to transfer mail.  1637 Fletcher went alongside USS Rochester CA 124 to transfer mail. Fletcher then took station 7 in a 9 station, 7 ship circular screen.

Friday, 28 July, Steaming in company with TF 77 plus USS Navasota AO 106 west of Kwanniu Korea.   0622 HMS Triumph commenced flight operations. 0639 Triumph completed flight operations.  1623 Valley Forge commenced flight operations.  1723 flight operations completed. 1727 Fletcher went alongside USS Eversole DD 789 to transfer mail. 1800 Mail dropped in water due to failure of cargo hooks. Fletcher sheared away from Eversole for recovery of mail.  1812 Mail recovered. Fletcher then returned to screen station.  1840 Fletcher went alongside USS Taussig DD 746 to transfer mail. Fletcher then returned to screen station 1925 Conducted dusk alert.  2108 Fletcher went alongside USS Eversole DD 789 for mail transfer of mail and stores.  Fletcher then took station 7 in 10 ship circular screen.

Saturday, 29 July, Underway in company of TF77.  0500 USS Navasota AO 106 and USS Taussig DD 746 were detached. 0502 USS Brush DD 745 detached to take lifeguard station.  0616 HMS Triumph launched aircraft.  1600 Commenced flight operations. 2021 Conducted dusk alert.  2300 Navasota and Taussig rejoined the formation.

Sunday 30 July, Underway with TF 77 south of Korea.  0646 HMS Triumph and HMS Comus detached.  0852 lost steering control, broke 5 flag. 0902 regained steering control.  Fletcher took station 3 in bent line screen.  1725 Fletcher went alongside Navasota for refueling.  2019 conducted dusk alert.

Monday, 31 July, Underway with TF 77 enroute to Okinawa. 0918 Conducted AA firing practice.  1445 Commenced entry screen into Buckner Bay, Okinawa.  1510 Fletcher formed astern of USS Shelton DD 790.  1540 Fletcher lying to awaiting fueling assignment. 1620 Fletcher moored portside to USS Passumpsic AO 107. After refueling Fletcher to moor starboard side to USS Maddox DD 731. Maddox was moored starboard side to USS Piedmont AD 17.  The following men reported aboard for duty: D.A. Bailey EMFN, J. Pope GM3, J.C. Quitario , Johnson, M.E. Powell ENFN, D. Bland FN, P.J Hogan RM2, R Crenshaw ETSN, K.A. Ballew GMC, W.E. Fonner QM1. Fonner was received for further transfer to ComCortRon One.

August, 1950

Fletcher was assigned to Escort Squadron One

1 August, Fletcher was moored starboard side to USS Maddox DD 731 in a nest of USS Piedmont AD 17, USS Maddox, and USS Fletcher in Buckner Bay, Okinawa.

2 August, Moored as before.  0615, Broke broad command pennant of Commander Destroyer Squadron Three from truck. A.S. Bernhardt SA, and H. Pulido SA reported on board for duty.

3 August, Moored as before.  F.S. Dufva MMC was transferred to U.S. Army Hospital, Okinawa for treatment, then to return to Fletcher. The following men reported aboard for duty : W. Bergfield HMC, G. Boscarino, W. Kimmet RD3, R.E. Cable BM2, W.J. Logsdon PNSN, and J. Campbell CS3 from emergency leave.  2055 USS Southerland DD 743 came alongside to port. The following men were received on board for duty: A.P. Lofurno CSC, M. Cole SHSN, H.T. Lane RD3, J.W. Wardzon CS1, J.H. Klutts MMC, B.D. Goforth RMSN, W.F. Soutar RMSN, G.W. Grinton SOSN, J.H. Shults SOSN, W.E. Goodnow ICFN.

Friday, 4 August, Moored as before.  R.E. Haley SA, was transferred to Piedmont for further transfer to nearest receiving station in U.S. P.B. Dickey Jr. YN3 was transferred to Com7thFlt flag staff.  1137 Fletcher got underway and took Sonar Guard Station 3, Buckner Bay channel, Okinawa. 1630 Fletcher got underway in company with TF 77.  Fletcher took station 9 in a 9 ship circular screen with USS Valley Forge CV 45 as guide. 1845 conducted AA firing exercise.  2232, Formation went to 26 knots, Course 350T.

 From 4 August to Sept 16, 84,478 U.S. troops participated in the defense of the Pusan Perimeter, including the U.S. Army 1st Calvary Division, 24th and 25 Infantry Divisions and the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade. 

Saturday, 5 August, Fletcher underway with TF77 on course 350T, speed 26 knots.  Fletcher on boilers 1 and 3. 0555 Dawn alert. 0725 lighted fires under boilers 2 and 4.  0804 USS Valley Forge CV 45, and USS Philippine Sea CV 47 conducted flight operations. 1145 USS Higbee DDR 806 joined formation.  Fletcher in station 11 of 13 ship circular screen.  1715 reduced formation speed to 15 knots. 2017 USS Eversole DD 789 rejoined the formation.

 Sunday. 6 August, Underway as before with TF 77 at the southern tip of Korea. Valley Forge and Philippine Sea conducted air operations. 2034 Fletcher went alongside Valley Forge to refuel, then returned to screening station.  Carriers continued flight operations.

Monday, 7 August Underway as before with TF 77.  0557 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge.  0643 Completed plane guard and took station 11 in 12 ship circular screen.  0815 carriers continued flight operations. 1642 USS Hollister DD 788 made sonar contact.  1655 Hollister lost sonar contact. 1815 Flight operations continued.  1952 Dusk alert.

Tuesday, 8 August, Underway with TF 77 off southern tip of Korea.  1317 Fletcher proceeded to fueling station on USS Cacapon AO 52. Fletcher then returned to formation in station 11 of 12 ship screen.  2018 conducted dusk alert.

Wednesday 9 August,  Fletcher underway with TF77 in the Yellow Sea west of Pusan.  0558 DDR 806 was detached as bird dog.  1215 Carriers conducted air operations. 1919 Fletcher left formation to investigate apparent life raft.  1954 Retrieved life ring for investigation. It was determined to be from USS Philippine Sea CV 47.  2043 conducted dusk alert.

Thursday, 10 August, Fletcher underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea west of Ocjang do island and Chanju Korea.  Valley Forge and Philippine Sea were the carriers in the task force.  0145 USS Mackenzie DD 836 had a sonar contact and formation made emergency turn at 20 knots. 0330 Sonar contact evaluated as non-submarine. 1220 Valley Forge and Philippine Sea began flight operations. 1735 USS Hollister DD 788 was detached to investigate overturned fishing boat sighted by aircraft.  2033 Dusk alert.  2200 USS Frank Knox DDR 742 rejoined formation.

Friday, 11 August, Fletcher underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea off the southern tip of Korea. 0840 Fletcher proceeded to waiting station for refueling.  1135 Fletcher went alongside USS Passumpic AO 107 and refueled. Fletcher then proceeded to station 11 in 13 station screen.  1430 USS Cacapon AO 52, USS Passumpic AO 107, and USS Southerland DDR 743 detached.  USS Valley Forge CV 45, and USS Philippine Sea CV 47were conducting flight operations.  2022 Conducted dusk alert.  Flight operations continued.

Saturday, 12 August, Fletcher underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea off Ochong do Island and west of Chonju Korea.  0245 USS Eversole DD 789 detached.  0559    USS Thomas DDR 833 detached.  Fletcher took plane guard on Valley Forge.  0641 Air operations completed.  Fletcher returned to screening station.  Flight operations continued throughout the day and night. 1100 Fletcher was detached to destroy floating belly tank. 1125 Fletcher back on station. 2000 conducted dusk alert.

On this day through 16 Aug.,The Battle of Bunker Hill (Hill 122).  The first major Marine ground action in western Korea was fought by the 1st Marine Division.

Sunday, 13 August, Fletcher underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea in the same area.  0805 Carriers commenced flight operations and continued throughout the day. 2010 conducted dusk alert.

Monday, 14 August, Fletcher underway with TF 77 enroute to Sasebo, Japan.  0648 formed scouting line with USS Shelton DD 790 as guide.  0809 Entered channel to Sasebo, Ja[an.  0947 Moored alongside SS Brown Ranger for refueling.  1210 Fletcher got underway and moored to buoy 7 Sasebo, Japan in company with various units of U.S. Seventh Fleet and British Fleet.  H.E. Ellsworth EM2 returned for resumption of duty.  The following men reported aboard for duty: G. Williams SA, J.W. Worrell SA, Lee SA. 1640Fletcher received ammunition from USS Mt Katami AE 21. The following men reported aboard for duty: W.E. Foster FT1, and A. Kowski SN.

Tuesday, 15 August, Moored as before.  1015 Received ammunition from USS Dixie AD 14.  1655 Fletcher got underway and formed scouting line. Exercised crew at general quarters for sortie.  Fletcher joined formation in screening station on heavies.  ComCarDiv 3 in Valley Forge assumed OTC. 2024 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge.  2038 Completed air operations and Fletcher returned to screen.  Philippine Sea was guide.

Wednesday, 16 August, Underway west of Seoul. Korea with TF 77.2 composed of two carriers, Valley Forge and Philippine Sea, and a circular screen with Fletcher in station 3. 0801 Valley Forge and Philippine Sea began flight operations. 2020 Dusk alert.  Changed screen to 13 ship circular screen.  2024 Fletcher took plane guard on Valley Forge.

Thursday, 17 August, Underway with TF77 east of Wonson, Korea. Formation was 4R1 with USS Rochester CA 124, USS Philippine Sea CV 47 and USS Valley Forge CV 45. Screen consisted of 13 ship circular screen with Fletcher in station 3. Flight operations continued throughout the day.  2020 Dusk alert.  2056 USS Higbee DD 806, rejoined the formation.

Friday, 18 August, Underway with TF 77 south of southern tip of Korea. Fletcher was in station 3 o f 13 ship circular screen. 0554 USS Mackenzie DD 834 was detached. 0959 USS Passumpic AO 107, USS Cacapon AO 52, USS katami AE 16, joined the formation. 1143 Fletcher went alongside Passumpic for refueling, receiving 79043 gallons of Navy Special Fuel Oil. Fletcher rejoined 12 ship screen.  2010 Dusk alert.

Saturday, 19 August,   Steaming with TF 77 off the western coast of Korea opposite Chungjo Korea. OTC was Com7thFlt in USS Rochester.  0301 USS Thomas DD 833 was detached and screen changed to 11 ship circular screen. 0640 Valley Forge began flight operations. Flight operations on Valley Forge and Philippine Sea continued throughout the day.  1940 conducted dusk alert.  Formed 12 ship circular screen with Fletcher in station 1.  2025 USS Frank Knox was detached to proceed to bird dog station.

Sunday, 20 August, Steaming as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea west of Chonan Korea. 1112 Morning flight operations commenced and continued throughout the day. 2017 Dusk alert.

Monday 21, August, Steaming as before with TF77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Korea.  1003 Entered channel to Sasebo, Japan. 1326 Moored port side to Josco Fuel Docks and commenced refueling. 1345 The following men reported aboard for duty: W.J.E. Bjorklund SA, A.A. Borger Fa, L. Brittian FA, K.M. Chamber SA, A.B. Cunningham,  J.Eldridge SH3, G.J. Gilligan SA, R.L. Glasscock FC3, J.B. Granger SA, R.F. Hall FCSN, L. Hammons FA, J. Householder SA, B.R. Jenkins SA, W.J. Kaibas SA, T.J. Obrien FA, W.R. Rezac RDSN, B. Rice SA, F.E. Ross SN, C.G. Torrence FTSN, C.O. Wilhite SA, R.H. Wilson SA, K.S. Wireman SA, W. Woods SA
1550 completed refueling.  1812  Fletcher got underway proceeding up the channel to USS Jason DRH 1. Moored alongside USS H.J. Thomas DDR 833.

Tuesday, 22 August, Moored as before in a nest of USS H.J. Thomas DDR 833, USS Jason DRH 1, USS Shelton DD 790, and USS Hollister DD 788 in Sasebo Harbor, Sasebo, Japan.

Wednesday, 23 August.  Moored as before. 1420 Received water from water barge.  1620 HMS Comus and the French ship La Grandiere stood into the harbor.  1911 USS Cacapon AO 52 got underway and proceeded to port side of USS Philippine Sea CV 47.  1915 HMCS Cayugua DD 218 stood into the harbor.

Thursday, 24 August, Moored as before. SOPA was Com7th Flt in USS Rochester CA 124. Ships present were various units of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, various British, Canadian, and French men of war.

Friday, 25 August. Moored as before.  0630 Fletcher began refueling from USS Jason ARH 1. 1123 Fletcher got underway from Thomas at buoy 27 Sasebo, Japan and proceeded out the channel. 1306 Formed a 4 ship ASW search unit outside the channel.  1617 Formed bent line screen with USS Valley Forge CV 45 as guide. As other destroyers arrived, formed a 12 station circular screen, west of Sasebo, Korea.  1913, USS Philippine Sea CV 47, commenced flight operations.  1937 Dusk alert.  2216 USS Kyes DD 787 joined formation and screen changed to 13 ship screen.

Saturday, 26 August. Steaming as before in TF 77 off Ochong-do Island west of Korea in the Yellow Sea.  0132 USS Osbourn DDR 846 detached for bird dog station. 0310 Fletcher went to plane guard station 1 on Valley Forge.  0330 Valley Forge commenced flight operations.  0335 Valley Forge completed flight ops and Fletcher returned to screen.  0530 USS Thomas DDR 833 detached to go to Tomcat station.  Flight operations continued throughout the day and night. 1959 Dusk alert.

Sunday, 27 August, Steaming as before in TF 77 in the Sea of Japan off Yangyang Korea. 0110 USS Kyes DD 787 detached and screen changed to 11 ships. 0235 USS Frank Knox DDR 742 was detached and screen changed to 10 ships. 1221 USS Higbee DDR 806 left formation due to engineering difficulty. 1350 Higbee rejoined formation.  1727 conducted AA drill. 1958 Frank Knox rejoined formation. 1946 Dusk alert. 2214 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge.  2241 completed night flight operations.

Monday, 28 August, Steaming as before in TF 77 in the Sea of Japan southeast of Pusan Korea. Force contains USS Valley Forge CV45 and USS Philippine Sea CV 47. 0527 USS Hollister DD 788 rejoined the formation. 0819, Fletcher alongside USS Passumpsic. A.M Cordero SN, was struck by a line throwing projectile on the left side of his chest between the 4th and 5th rib, with about 4 inches of the 8 inch projectile protruding from his back. Dr. W.E. Sanders LTJG was flown to the Fletcher from the Philippine Sea by helicopter. The projectile was remove and a drain was inserted and he was admitted to the sick list The doctor believed no organs were injured Cordero was at the after fueling station crouched behind a table. The projectile passed over the o-1 level and hit Cordero. It was not due to misconduct.  0834 Commenced fueling.  0923 Completed refueling and proceeded to station 10.  1242 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. 1601 USS Passumpsic AO 101 and USS Cacapon AO were detached. Air operations resumed.  1942 Dusk alert.  2004 USS Frank Knox DDR 742 was detached to proceed to Tomcat station.

Tuesday, 29 August, Steaming with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea off Kwang-ju Korea.  0405 USS Henderson DD 785 was detached to take birddog station. 0655 Air operations began for the day. USS Worchester CL 144 had joined the formation.  1911 Conducted dusk alert.  2203 USS Mc Kean DD 784 detached to proceed as birddog. 2210 USS Henderson DD 785 rejoined the formation.

Wednesday, 30 August, Steaming as before in the Yellow Sea west of Chonan Korea. 0812 Carriers commenced daily air operations. 0839 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. Fletcher then returned to screen formation.  1935 Conducted dusk alert.

Thursday, 31 August, Steaming as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea off the southern tip of Korea. Heavies were in a 4R formation with a 10 ship circular screen. 0630 USS Passumpsic AO 107, USS Cacapon AO 52, USS Mt Katami AE 16, and USS McKean DD 784 joined the formation. 1025 Fletcher went alongside USS Cacapon AO 52 and refueled. Personnel were transferred from Cacapon to Fletcher.  LTJG D.R. Duncan reported aboard for duty.  1142 Fletcher went alongside USS Gurke DD 783 to transfer personnel received from Cacapon.  1200 Fletcher proceeded to screen station 3. 1426 Passumpsic, Cacapon, and Mt Katmai were detached.  1545 Conducted tactical exercises.  1902 Gurke was detached to birddog station. 1942 Conducted dusk alert.

September, 1950

USS Fletcher DDE 445 assigned to Escort Squadron One, Escort Division Eleven

Friday, 1 September, Underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea west of Ochong-do Island east of Korea. Carriers conducted flight operations throughout the day.  1233 USS Brush DD 745 detached to take birddog station.  1708 USS Thomas DDR 833 left formation and USS Henderson DD 785 rejoined. 2013 dusk alert. Fletcher in station 1 of 10 ship screen.

Saturday, 2 September, Underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea as before.  0202 USS Higbee detached from formation. 0211 USS Moore DD 747 and DD 731 joined the formation. 0643 Went to general quarters as unidentified aircraft approaching. 0711 aircraft identified as friendly.  Air operations on Valley Forge and Philippine Sea continued throughout the day.  1336 USS Kyes DD 787 joined formation.  Screen was a 12 ship circular screen. 2001 Dusk alert. 2213 USS Brush DD 745 rejoined the formation.

Sunday, 3 September, Underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea west of Chonju Korea. 0406 Valley Forge commenced flight ops. 0629 USS Passumpic AO 107, USS Cacapon AO 52, and USS Mt Katmai AE 16 joined the formation.1202 Fletcher went alongside starboard side toCacapon to refuel. USS Frank Knox DDR 742, came alongside Fletcher to port side to +transfer personnel. Dufva, MMC was received aboard from Rycom Hospital, Okinawa. J.E. Wooden SA, reported aboard for duty. Fletcher received 79,839 gallons NSFO and returned to Station 6. 1440 Service group departed formation. 1605 Henderson detached as birddog.  2014 Dusk alert. 2024 Carriers commenced night flight operations.

Monday, 4 September, Underway with TF77 in the Sea of Japan west of Chung-jo Korea.  Formation was 4R with 12 ship circular screen. 0010 USS Thomas DDR 833 and USS McKean DD 784 detached as Tom Cat and Bird Dog.  0510 USS Henderson DD 785 rejoined the formation. Fletcher was in station 3. 0835 USS Valley Forge CV 45 and USS Philippine Sea CV 47 commenced flight operations for the day. 0853 USS Ozbourn DD 846 was detached to investigate contact at 226T, 25 miles. 1130 Ozbourn rejoined the formation.  1210 USS Maddox DD 731 and USS S.N. Moore DD 710 detached to proceed on duty assigned.  1212   USS Chevalier DDR 805 and USS Hammer DD 710 joined the formation. 1720 ComDesDiv 112 assumed tactical command of the screen.  Commander Task Group 77.2 (ComDesRon 3) shifted his flag to USS Kyes DD 787. 1817 Thomas rejoined the formation.  2020 USS Philippine Sea CV 47 commenced night flight operations. 1952 Conducted dusk alert. 2237 USS Eversole DD 789 joined the formation. 2242 USS Shelton DD 790 and USS Fletcher DDE 445 detached. Fletcher formed on Shelton.

Tuesday, 5 September, Fletcher underway in company of Shelton from Yellow Sea to Sasebo, Japan. 1629 Shelton and Fletcher commenced entering channel to Sasebo Harbor.  1934 Fletcher moored portside to Josco Fuel Docks, Sasebo Harbor, Sasebo, Japan.  Various units of U.S. British, French, and Australian fleets in the harbor. SOPA was ComServDiv 31 in USS Dixie AD 14. 2100 Fletcher completed fueling and proceeded to buoy 20 to moor starboard side to nest of USS Piedmont AD 17, USS Higbee DDE 806, USS Shelton DD 790, and USS Fletcher DDE 445.

Wednesday, 6 September, Moored as before.  1300 Task Force 77 consisting of the following ships stood in.  USS Ozbourne DD 846, USS McKean DD 784, USS Hollister DD 788, USS Frank Knox DDR 742, USS Brush, USS Eversole DD 789, USS Kyes DD 787, USS Gurke DD 783, USS Thomas DDR 833, USS Hammer, USS Chevalier DD 805, USS Henderson DD 785, USS Philippine Sea CV 47, USS Valley Forge CV 45, and USS Worchester CL 1450 USS Cacapon AO 52 got underway from buoy 21. 1500 LTJG T.M Baker reported aboard for duty.  1830 USS Southerland DD 743 and USS Rowan DD 782 stood out. USS Sicily CVE 118 stood out.

Thursday, 7 September, Moored as before. 0710 USS Radford DDE 446 stood out.  0830 ComDesRon 3 shifted his flag from Kyes to Shelton. 1026 J. Cavanaugh RMC, reported aboard for duty. G.L. Baker JOSN was received aboard for duty from Com7thFlt.

Friday, 8 September, Moored as before. 1420 W.E. Fonner QML, was transferred to flag allowance of ComCortRon One.

Saturday 9 September, Moored as before.  0920 C.H. Lewis SA, reported aboard for duty.

Sunday, 10 September, Moored as before.  0452 Water barge W-1 came alongside to transfer fresh water.

Monday, 11 September, Moored as before.  0447 Fletcher underway. 0540 Fletcher took pouncer station 2 in sortie. 0909 Exercised crew at AA firing.  1131 Heavy ships formed formation 4R.  Fletcher took station 10 in 12 ship screen. 1454 Valley Forge and Philippine Sea recovered their aircraft from shore stations.  1647 Unidentified air contact, all hands to general quarters.  1708 Air contact identified as friendly.  1900 USS Hamner DD 718 detached for Bird Dog station. Formation headed North in Yellow Sea.

Tuesday, 12 September, Underway with TF 77 enroute from Sasebo, Japan to the Yellow Sea west of Ochong-do island west of Korea.  Formation 4R1 for heavies with destroyers in 11 ship circular screen. OTC was ComCarDiv 1 in USS Philippine Sea CV 47. 0102 USS Eversole DD 789 detached as bird dog. 0859 Carriers commenced flight operations. 0916 Completed flight operations. 1035 Commenced flight operations.  1101 Completed flight operations. 1155 Carriers commenced flight operations.  1544 Eversole rejoined the formation. 1627 Carriers again commenced flight operations. 1644 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1835 heavies moved into circle 1.5. 1855 Dusk alert.

Editorial note: Carrier operations required 35 knots wind across the flight deck for jets. This required the ships to make as much as 30 knots speed.  Fletcher required 4 boilers on line for 25 knots and above. This required 4 on and 4 off for the engineering department. All ships operated at darken ship at night.  The plane guard astern of the carriers would turn on the red truck lights to guide the aircraft onto the flight deck of the carrier.

Wednesday, 13 September, Underway as before in the Yellow Sea west of Korea. Carriers were Valley Forge and Philippine Sea.  0404 Valley Forge launched CAP (combat air patrol). 0550 Carriers commenced air operations.  0638 Completed air operations.  1022 Commenced flight operations. 1225 Completed flight operations.  1407 Valley Forge and Philippine Sea completed flight operations. 1456 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1530 Completed flight operations.  1805 Fletcher took trailer station 1000 yards astern of USS Cacapon AO 52.  1922 1907 Fletcher along starboard side to take on fuel and transfer mail. 1932 USS Osbourne DD 846 came alongside to starboard to transfer mail. 1942 Mail transfer completed.  2002 Completed refueling. 2300 Cacapon and USS Passumpsic AO 107 detached. Heavies in Formation 4R with Fletcher in station 10 of 11 ship screen.

The Inchon invasion force was underway and Typhoon Kezia struck and scattered some of the vessels. The ships arrived at the marshaling area just in time.

Thursday, 14 September, Underway as before in the Yellow Sea west of Korea.  0859 Valley Forge and Philippine Sea commenced flight operations.  0933 completed flight operations. 1027 Commenced flight operations. 1046 Completed flight operations.  1158 Commenced flight operations.  1522 USS Hamner DD 718 in station 1 had sonar contact and investigated with USS Chevalier DD 805 assisting.  1629 Flight operations again commenced. 1654 Flight ops completed. 1658 Hamner and Chevalier rejoined the formation, and carriers commenced flight operations.  1853 Dusk alert.  1935 Formation commenced zig zag course.  1940 secured from dusk alert.  2039 Ceased zig zag course. 2056 commenced flight operations.  2105 completed flight operations.

Friday, 15 September, Underway as before in the Yellow Sea west of Korea, west on and northwest of Chong-jo island, southwest of Inchon Korea. 0018 Commenced zig zag course. 0255 Ceased zig zag course.  0431 Valley Forge and Philippine Sea completed flight operations. 0532 Commenced flight operations.  0620 completed flight operations. 0650 Commenced flight operations.  0900 Carriers again commenced flight operations.  1200 Carriers again commenced flight operations. 1220 completed flight operations.  1240 Screen opened to allow additional ships to join the formation. 1405 USS Boxer CV 21, USS Manchester CL 83, USS Kyes DD 787 and USS Radford DDE 446 joined the formation.  1455 Carriers commenced flight operations.  1514 Completed flight operations. 1625 Commenced flight operations.  1702 Completed flight ops.  1802 Commenced flight ops.  1828 Completed flight ops.  2115 USS Chandler DD 717 rejoined the formation.  Screen consisted of 13 destroyers.

16 and 17 September, U.S. and allied naval forces landed U.S. Army and Marine personnel at Inchon Korea. (Operation CHROMITE) the invasion force consisted of 230 ships carrying 70,000 men.

Saturday, 16 September, Underway as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea west of Ochong-do, west of Korea, and southwest of Inchon, Korea.  Heavies in formation 4R with 13 ship circular screen. All ships darkened.  0159 Commenced flight operations. 0206 completed flight operations. 0259 Commenced flight operations.  0306 Completed flight operations. Following ships detached for fueling rendezvous: USS Philippine Sea CV 47, USS Worchester CL 144, DesDiv 31, and Fletcher. 0600 Dawn alert, general quarters. 0644 USS Cacapon AO 52, and USS Mt Katami AE 16 joined detached formation.  1234 Fletcher left formation and went alongside Cacapon for refueling1311 Completed refueling and returned to station 4 in bent line screen.1558 Cacapon and Mt Katmai detached.  1600 Philippine Sea completed flight operations.  1818 Detached group rejoined TF 77. Heavies in 5R formation with 14 ship circular screen. 1908 Fletcher took plane guard station on Philippine Sea.  1909 Fletcher rejoined screening station. 2144 Carriers commenced flight operations.

September 16 - 27, Eight U.S. Army breaks out of the Pusan Perimeter.  Four U.S. Divisions 1st Cavalry, 2nd, 24th, and 25th Infantry Divisions participate.

Sunday, 17 September,  Underway with TF77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon Korea.  Heavies consist of Valley Forge, Philippine Sea, Boxer, and Worchester.  Fletcher was in station 12 of 14 ship screen.  0300 Boxer commenced flight operations. 0320 Boxer completed flight operations.  0330 DesDiv 111 plus Radford, Valley Forge, and Worchester detached to proceed to fueling stations. 0401 Commenced flight operations.  0406 completed flight operations.  0535 Fletcher took plane guard station on USS Boxer CV21. 0559 Boxer commenced flight operations. 0605 completed flight operations.  0715 Fletcher returned to screen station 10. 0725 Fletcher took plane guard station on Boxer. 0732 completed flight operations.  Fletcher returned to screen station 10. 0755 Carriers moved out to circle 2, formation 4R.  0845 Fletcher took plane guard station on Boxer.  0855 Carriers commenced flight operations. 0955 Completed flight operations and Fletcher returned to screen station 10. 1032 Commenced flight operations.  1102 Completed flight operations. 1204 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1410 Philippine Sea completed flight operations. 1453 Boxer commenced flight operations. Aircraft crashed in water off Boxer. Fletcher proceeded to rescue.  1510 Pilot rescued by helicopter from Boxer.  1524 Philippine Sea completed air operations.  Fletcher took station 4 of bent line screen number 15.  1538 Fletcher took plane guard station on Boxer.  1558 Boxer commenced flight operations. 1616 Completed flight operations and Fletcher proceeded to screen station 4.   1645 Completed flight operations. 1840 Commenced flight operations.  1848 Dusk alert.  1916 Completed flight operations. 2222 USS Valley Forge CV 45 rejoined the formation. Carriers formed on 4R stations and Fletcher took Station 14 in a 14 ship circular screen.

Monday, 18 September, Underway with TF77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon Korea.  Boxer and DesDiv 112 left the formation. Changed to 4R formation with carriers on circle 1.5 and cruisers on circle 2.  Fletcher was in station 5 of 12 ship circular screen. 0546 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. 0603 Flight ops completed, Fletcher returned to screen station 5. 0759 Formed two bent-line screens on bearing 230T and 050T.Fletcher in station 5 of western screen.  0925 Completed flight operations. 1037 Flight operations continued.  1348 Flight operations completed. 1355 USS Hamner DD 718 came alongside to transfer U. S. Mail.  1406 Mail transfer completed.  1549 Flight operations completed. 1646 Flight operations completed. 1753 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1845 Darkened ship and conducted dusk alert.  1855 Air operations completed.  2050 Commenced flight operations. 2106 Completed flight operations.

Tuesday, 19 September, Underway as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon Korea. 0046 Philippine Sea, Worchester, DesDiv 31, and Fletcher were detached to proceed to refueling rendezvous.  Replenishment group consisted of USS Cacapon AO 52, and USS Mt. Katmai AE 16.  1045 Fletcher went alongside Cacapon and received 64,388 gallons NSFO.  1550 Cacapon and Mt. Katmai were detached. 1603 Fletcher took screen station 15 in a bent line screen. 1851 Dusk alert. 1916 Formation was 4R for heavies, and 14 station circular screen.  2050 Valley Forge began flight operations.  Flight operations completed.  2340 Valley Forge, Manchester, DesDiv 111 and Radford were detached to carry out replenishment.

19 -28 September, South Korean and U.S. X Corps forces recapture Seoul, Korea.

Wednesday, 20 September, Underway as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon, Korea. 0355 Commenced carrier flight operations.  0550 Fletcher took plane guard station on USS Boxer CV 21.  0650 Fletcher took screen station.  0855 Boxer commenced flight operations. 0915 Boxer completed flight operations.  1029 USS Philippine Sea CV 47 commenced flight operations. 1053 Philippine Sea completed flight operations. 1349 Valley Forge, Manchester, DesDiv 111, and Radford rejoined the formation.1508 USS Hamner DD 718 and USS Wiltsie DD 716 left the screen to pass mail and passengers.  1602 Completed carrier flight operations. 1629 Commenced flight operations.  1651 Completed flight operations. 1756 Commenced flight operations.  1758 USS Wiltsie DD 716 came alongside to deliver mail. 1802 Wiltsie away from alongside.  1845 Dusk alert.  1857 Flight operations completed. 2035 Fletcher proceeded to plane guard station on Boxer.  2107 Completed air operations.  2130 Fletcher took station 12 in screen.  Fletcher moved to station 10. 2354 Boxer and Des Div 112 detached to carry out replenishment.

Thursday, 21 September, Underway as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon, Korea. 0400 Commenced flight operations.  0405 Completed flight operations. 0556 Commenced flight operations. 0624 Completed flight operations.  0727 Carriers commenced launching aircraft. 0924 Completed flight operations.  1021 Commenced flight operations. 1106 Completed flight operations. 1214 Carriers completed flight operations. 1325 Commenced flight operations. 1359 Completed flight operations.  1500 Carriers commenced flight operations.  1515 Completed flight operations. 1527 USS Worchester CL 144 detached from formation.1530 Commenced flight operations.  Completed flight operations.  1610 Fletcher took plane guard station on Philippine Sea. 1630 Commenced flight operations.  Flight operations completed. 1722 Fletcher rejoined screen formation. 1737 Fletcher took plane guard station on Philippine Sea.  1800 Commenced flight operations. 1843 Completed flight operations.  2125 USS Hollister DD 788 was detached to proceed to Inchon with ComCarDiv 1. OTC shifted to ComCarDiv 3. Fletcher in station 4 of 13 ship circular screen.

Friday, 22 September, Underway as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon Korea. 0001 Philippine Sea, DesDiv31, and Fletcher detached to carry out replenishment. 0608 Fletcher went alongside USS Cacapon AO 52 to refuel. 0703 Completed refueling, receiving 93,876 gallons NSFO. 1000 USS Pasumpsic AO 107 and USS Cacapon AO 52 detached.  1102 USS Kyes DD 787 came alongside to pass mail.  1111 Replenishment group rejoined TF 77.  Fletcher took station 4 of 13 ship screen.  1205 Commenced flight operations. 1240 Completed flight operations. 1244 Kyes commenced making mail deliveries.  1602 Boxer completed flight operations. 1623 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1651 Completed flight operations.  1757 Carriers commenced flight operations.  1850 Dusk alert.  2058 commenced flight operations. 2105 Completed flight operations.  2117 Hollister rejoined the formation.

Saturday, 23 September, Underway as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon, Korea. 0320 USS McKean DD 784 in station 7 had sonar contact, evaluated as possible submarine.  USS Knox DDR 742 in station 5 ordered to assist.  0445 McKean and Knox were ordered to terminate search and return to screen.  0607 Fletcher proceeded to station 3. Boxer and Philippine Sea commenced air operations. 0658 Knox and McKean rejoined the screen. 0742 Carriers commenced air operations.  0748 Carriers completed air operations.  0817 USS Shelton DD 790 reported sonar contact, detached to investigate.  0845 USS Eversole DD 789 detached to assist Shelton in developing sonar contact 1205 Shelton and Eversole rejoined formation. 1234 Completed air operations. 1337 Commenced air operations. 1355 Completed air operations. 1447 Commenced air operations. 1507 Completed air operations.  1615 Valley Forge, Manchester, DesDiv 111 and Radford rejoined formation. Heavies took 4B formation with 14 ship circular screen, Fletcher in screen station 6.  1843 Dusk alert. 1917 Commenced zig zag course. 2038 Fletcher proceeded to plane guard station 2 on Boxer. 2056 Boxer commenced flight operations.  2104 Flight operations completed, Fletcher returned to screening station. 2157 Fletcher secured number two main engine for repairs to main steam line.  2354 Boxer and DesDiv 112 detached to proceed to fueling rendezvous.

Sunday, 24 September, Underway as before with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon, Korea. Number 2 engine still secured while repairs made to main steam line. 0010 Boxer and DesDiv 112 detached. Formation changed to 4R with 10 ship circular screen.  Fletcher in station 2. 0054 Using zig zag course. 0110 ceased zig zag course.  0307 Commenced zig zag course.  0400 port engine was back in operation.  Ceased zig zag course.  0609 Carriers commenced air operations.  0635 Completed air operations.  0653 Commenced zig zag course.  0739 ceased zig zag. 0814 Commenced zig zag.  1215 Commenced flight operations. 1240 Flight operations completed. 1335 Commenced flight operations.  1520 Completed flight operations. 1535 Commenced flight operations. 1645 Completed flight operations.  1803 USS Chevalier DD 805 detached to pick up downed pilot.  1824 Commenced flight operations. 1843 Dusk alert. 2000 Boxer and DesDiv 112 rejoined formation. 2030 Fletcher took plane guard station on Philippine Sea. 2112 Philippine Sea began flight operations. 2203 Completed flight operations.

Monday, 25 September, Underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon, Korea.  0012 Philippine Sea, Des Div 31 and Fletcher detached for replenishment. 0555 Rendezvoused with replenishment group.  0602 Fletcher went alongside port side to USS Cimarron AO 22. 0631 Commenced receiving fuel and transfer of nine personnel for various ships in TF 77.   0827 Refueling and transfer of personnel completed. 0857 Fletcher went alongside USS Graffias AF 29 to received stores and personnel. Received 3 persons for USS Philippine Sea CV 47. 0950 Completed receiving stores and proceeded to trailing station astern of replenishment group.  1201 Fletcher gained sonar contact and proceeded to investigate. 1204 Commenced attacking sonar contact with depth charges set for pattern Able, 7 MK 9 depth charges expended.  1205 Sounded sonar alert and went to general quarters.  1207 Evaluation of attack good.1215 Commenced operation observant. 1230 Regained contact, evaluated as submarine. Resumed operation observant. 1244 Regained contact at 2050 yards. 1247 Contact evaluated non submarine, started operation observant.  1320 Completed operation observant and rejoined formation. 1327 Secured port engine to repair oil leak. 1445 Port engine back on line. Proceeded to station 2 in bent line screen.  1822 Philippine Sea commenced flight operations.  1830 Completed flight operations.  1840 Dusk alert.  1931 Fletcher commenced transfer of personnel and mail to Philippine Sea.  2010 Transfer completed, returned to screen.  2100 Rejoined TF 77.  2212 Alongside USS Valley Forge CV 45 for transfer of personnel and guard mail.  2255 Alongside USS Boxer CV 21 for transfer of personnel and freight. 2332 Transfer complete, having transferred 5 boxes of napalm fuzes and 15 cans of napalm material. Fletcher then proceeded to screen station 1.  2345 Valley Forge, Manchester, DesDiv 111, and Radford detached for replenishment.  Screen formed 9 ship circular screen with Fletcher in station 1.

Tuesday, 26 September, Underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea west of Seoul Korea.  Using zig zag courses.  0409 USS Boxer CV 21 began flight operations. 0418 Flight operations completed. 0630 lighted ship. 0908 Commenced flight operations.  0951 Completed flight operations.  1012 Fletcher went alongside USS McKean DD 784 for transfer of personnel. 1020 Completed transfer. 1045 Commenced flight operations.  1103 Completed flight operations. 1121 Fletcher transferred personnel to USS Ozbourn.  1209 Commenced flight operations.  1242 Completed flight operations. 1333 Commenced flight operations.  1401 Completed air operations.  1438 Commenced flight operations. 1515 Completed flight operations.  1530 Commenced flight operations. 1814 Boxer commenced flight operations.  1835 Dusk alert. 1855 Completed air operations. Screen changed to 14 ship circular screen, Fletcher in station 1.

Wednesday, 27 September. Underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea west of Seoul, Korea.  0210 USS Manchester CL 83, and DesDiv 112 detached from formation. 0256 Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 0915 Commenced flight operations.  0926 Completed flight operations.  1039 Commenced flight operations. 1052 Completed flight operations.  1210 Boxer left formation for duty with DesDiv 111. 1236 Commenced flight operations 1409 Completed flight operations. 1517 Commenced flight operations.  1635 Commenced flight operations.  1705 Completed flight operations. Fletcher proceeded alongside USS Chevalier DD 805 to transfer personnel.  1742 Fletcher alongside USS Hamner DD 718 to transfer personnel. 0835 Fletcher alongside USS Manchester CL 83 to transfer personnel.  1911 Fletcher alongside USS Radford DDE 446 to transfer personnel.  1945 Fletcher returned to formation. 2108 Commenced flight operations.  2135 Completed flight operations. Formation 4R with 14 ship circular screen.

Thursday, 28 September, Underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea west of Seoul Korea. 0010 Commenced flight operations. 0015 USS Kyes DD 787 detached for duty assigned. 0020 Flight operations completed. 0023 Fletcher proceeding with USS Philippine Sea CV 47 and DesDiv 31 less Kyes. 0630 USS Cacapon AO 52, USS Mt Katmai AE 16, and USS Passumpsic AO 107 joined the formation.  1023 Fletcher went alongside USS Mt Katmai AE 16 to receive ammunition.  Fletcher received 7 MK 9 depth charges with associated parts and charges. 1040 Fletcher went alongside Passumpsic for refueling. 1140 Completed refueling.  Fletcher then took screen station in bent line screen. 1517 Replenishment group detached. 1727 TF 77 reformed 4R formation with 13 ship circular screen.  1805 Carriers commenced flight operations.  1833 Dusk alert.  1856 Completed flight operations. 2343 Valley Forge, Manchester, DesDiv 111 plus Radford detached to proceed to replenishment group.

Friday, 29 September, Underway with TF 77 in the Yellow Sea southwest of Inchon Korea. 0407 Commenced flight operations.  0420 Completed flight operations. 0608 Commenced flight operations.  Completed flight operations.  0737 Commenced flight operations. 0811 Completed flight operations. 0903 Commenced flight operations.  0936 Completed flight operations. 1024 Commenced flight operations. 1100 Completed flight operations.  1633 Commenced flight operations.  1640 Completed flight operations. 1803 Changed to 13 ship circular screen, Fletcher in station 3. 2108 Boxer conducted flight operations.  2340 Fletcher detached with Boxer and DesDiv 112 less Hollister to proceed to fueling rendezvous.

Saturday, 30 September, Underway as before in the Yellow Sea.  0540 Joined the services group. 0648 Fletcher went alongside Passumpsic for fueling. 0743 Completed refueling.  1113  Fletcher took patrolling station, then station in 4 of bent line screen. 1327 USS Osbourn DD 846 came alongside to transfer newspapers. 1510 Passumpsic and Cacapon detached.  1842 Dusk alert.  2042 Kyes rejoined formation.  2049 Ozbourn detached.  2107 Commenced carrier flight operations. 2114 Completed flight operations.  2345 Philippine Sea and DesDiv 31 detached to proceed to replenishment area.

October, 1950

Sunday, ! October, Underway in the Yellow Sea with TF 77 in 4R formation with a nine station circular screen with Fletcher in station 4.  0417 Fletcher took plane guard station on USS Boxer CV 21. 0426 Boxer completed air operations. 0813 Boxer and Valley Forge commenced flight operations.  0948 Boxer commenced flight operations. 1005 Boxer completed flight operations.  1100 Valley Forge commenced flight operations. 1230 Commenced flight operations.  1302 Completed flight operations. 1400 Commenced flight operations.  1414 Completed flight operations.  1530 Commenced flight operations. 1616 Philippine Sea and DesDiv 31 rejoined the formation. Formed 12 ship circular screen, Fletcher in station 2. 1831 Conducted sonar dusk alert.  2030 USS Gurke DD 783 and USS Henderson DD 785 joined the formation.  2010 Commenced flight operations. 2122 Completed flight operations.  2135 Eversole detached as bird dog station.  2341 Valley Forge, Manchester, and DesDiv 111 plus Radford detached

Monday, 2 October, Underway as before in Yellow Sea with TF 77.  0422 Philippine Sea began flight operations. 0432 Flight operations completed.  0517 Torpedo boat reported in the area, crew went to general quarters. 1233 Commenced flight operations.  1258 Completed flight operations.  1318 Commenced flight operations. 1335 Completed flight operations.  1351 Commenced flight operations. 1414 Completed flight operations.  1603 Fletcher detached to proceed to replenishment group.  1826 Fletcher went alongside USS Warwick AKA 89 for transfer of requisitions. 1832 Transfer completed. 2012 Fletcher joined the fueling and replenishment group. 2039 Fletcher alongside USS Cimarron AO 22 to refuel.  2331 Fletcher alongside Warwick to take stores aboard.

Tuesday, 3 October, 0035 Fletcher completed receiving stores.  0120 Made radar contact with TF 77. 0200 Fletcher rejoined TF 77 in station 5 of screen. 0425 Flight operations commenced. 0434 Completed flight operations.  0628 Commenced flight operations. 0646 Completed flight operations. 0751 Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 0822 Completed flight operations. 0912 Commenced flight operations.  1115 Completed flight operations.  1525 Commenced flight operations. 1555 Completed flight operations.

Wednesday, 4 October, Underway with TF 77 from Yellow Sea to Sasebo, Japan.  1227 Formed four shipASW screen line with Fletcher in station 3.  1225 W.E. Goodnow, ICFN, received a suture of the scalp and bruises of the chest while carrying a garbage can and falling through an open hatch into A-411 M and was confined to bed pending X-rays of the chest.  1450 DesDiv 31 formed a column of screening ships with Fletcher in the van.  1506 Passed Kogo Saki light abeam to port, and entered Sasebo Harbor, Japan. 1548 Fletcher alongside fuel docks. 1635 USS Chandler DD 717 came alongside to starboard.  1810 Chandler got underway and moored in the harbor. 1820 Fletcher got underway from the Josco Fuel Docks and moored to buoy X-3 in the harbor. 2045 USS Chevalier DDR 805 moored alongside to starboard. 2215 USS Kyes DD 787 moored alongside to port.

Thursday, 5 October, Moored as before in Sasebo Harbor, Sasebo, Japan. 1310 D.A. Fogg BT3, was transferred to U.S. Naval Fleet Activities Sasebo for treatment. 1545 Fletcher took on diesel fuel.

Friday, 6 October, Moored as before in Sasebo Harbor, Sasebo, Japan. 0930 W.R. Bergfield HMC, was transferred to USS Marsh, DE 699. G.L. Barker SN, was transferred TAD to USS Higbee DDR 806.

Saturday, 7 October, Moored as before. 1400 K.F. Lehnoff, QMS1, was transferred from USS Carpenter DDE 825 for duty.

Sunday, 8 October, Moored as before in Sasebo Harbor, Sasebo, Japan.

Monday, 9 October, Moored as before in Sasebo, Japan.  0840 Chevalier got underway.  0905 Fletcher got underway and took station on starboard of USS Leyte CV 32 in the channel. 1329 TF 77 formed up with 4R formation and 11 ship circular screen, Fletcher in station 9.  1809 Dusk alert.  2320 Chevalier joined the formation.

Tuesday, 10 October, Underway with TF 77 enroute from Sasebo, Japan, to the Sea of Japan.  0423 Fletcher took plane guard station on Leyte. 0430 Leyte commenced flight operations.  0435 Flight operations completed and Fletcher returned to screen station.  0803 Flight operations commenced.  0919 Sighted MK 26 Russian type mine off port beam. Fletcher proceeded to investigate and destroy, using 20 mm AA Gun, then rejoined the formation. Location was east of Wonson and north of Kaesong Korea. 1045 Conducted flight operations.  1226 Completed flight operations.  1257 Completed flight operations. 1315 Gained sonar contact at 800 yards and proceeded to investigate with assistance from USS Small DD 838. Evaluated as doubtful submarine. 1440 Rejoined formation. 1514 Commenced flight operations.  1700 Leyte commenced flight operations.   1709 Completed flight operations.  1745 Leyte and Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 1755 Completed flight operations.  1831 Dusk alert. 2027 Leyte commenced flight operations.  2045 Completed flight operations.

Due to lack of minesweepers, 200 transports and supply vessels lay off Wonson for more than a week waiting for the channel to be swept. The channel contained over 3000 mines.   Meanwhile, South Korean forces captured the port of Wonson from the rear.

Wednesday, 11 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson, Korea.  0427 Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 0630 Leyte commenced flight operations.  0702 Completed flight operations.  1221 Conducted flight operations. 2027 Conducted flight operations.  2055 USS Hamner DD 718 rejoined formation.  2254 USS Hollister DD 788 detached to take bird dog station.

Thursday, 12 October, Underway as before with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson, Korea. 0018 Commenced zig zag course. 0416 Ceased zig zag course.  USS Valley Forge CV 47, DesDiv 51 less Gurke and Henderson joined the formation. Formation modified for three carriers with 17 ship screen with Fletcher in station 1. 0616 Commenced flight operations.  Course into the wind was 300T.  0815 Completed flight operations. 0917 USS Hamner DD 718 held a sonar contact and was detached to investigate.  0920 Commenced flight operations. 0955 Fletcher detached from formation with USS Leyte CV 32, DesDiv 111, and USS Taussig DD 746 to rendezvous with replenishment group.  1406 Fletcher went alongside USS Cacapon AO52 and refueled. Fletcher then took station 4 in bent line screen, then station 1.  1531 USS Wiltsie DD 716 had a sonar contact.  USS Chandler DD 717 was ordered to assist.  1812 Dusk alert, replenishment completed.  1945 Rejoined TF 77.  2035 Valley Forge began flight operations.  2048 Completed flight operations. 2117 USS Philippine Sea CV 47, USS Manchester CL 83, USS Radford DDE 446, USS Southerland DDR 743, USS Rowan DD 782, and DesDiv 112 detached.  Screen changed to 11 ship circular screen with Fletcher in station 1. 2300 USS Eversole DD 789 detached.

Friday, 13 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson Korea.  0428 Leyte began flight operations. 0812 Completed flight operations.  0927 Commenced flight operations.  0957 Completed flight operations. 1052 Commenced flight operations.  1129 Completed flight operations. 1230 Valley Forge and Leyte commenced flight operations. 1302 Completed flight operations. 1353 Valley Forge and Leyte commenced flight operations. 1423 Completed flight operations. 1530 Valley Forge and Leyte commenced flight operations. 1557 Completed flight operations. 1612 Philippine Sea, Manchester, Radford, and DesDiv 112 rejoined the formation.  1801 Carriers commenced flight operations.  1807 Flight operations completed. 1811 Dusk alert. 1830 Commenced flight operations.  1843 Completed flight operations.  2005 Fletcher took plane guard station 2 on Leyte.  2023 Commenced flight operations.  2035 Flight operations completed, Fletcher returned to screen station 15. 2214 USS Eversole DD 789 rejoined the formation.

Saturday, 14 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson, Korea. 0410 Fletcher took plane guard station on Leyte.  0432 Air operations completed.  0446 Valley Forge and DesDiv 112 plus Henderson and Gurke left formation to proceed to refueling group.  0805 Commenced flight operations. 1131 Completed flight operations. 1200 Commenced flight operations.  1520 Effected rendezvous with USS Hank DD 702 and USS Borie DD 704. 1654 Hank and Borie detached to proceed on duties assigned. 1659 Leyte and Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 1723 Completed flight operations.  1747 Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 1800 Completed flight operations.  1812 Dusk alert.  1832 Valley Forge, Boxer, DesDiv 31, Henderson and Gurke rejoined the formation. 2053 Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 2120 Flight operations completed.  2353 Carriers commenced flight operations.

Sunday, 15 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson Korea.  0005 Completed flight operations. 0257 Commenced flight operations.  0320 Completed flight operations.  0621 Carriers commenced flight operations.  0644 Completed flight operations. 0752 Commenced flight operations.  0903 Completed flight operations. 0924 Commenced flight operations.  1006 Completed flight operations. 1012 USS Higbee DDR 806 left screen for plane guard station. 1224 Commenced flight operations.  1457 USS Henderson DD 785 left formation to effect engineering repairs. 1723 Completed flight operations.  1725 Fletcher proceeded to waiting station astern of USS Manchester CL 83. 1744 Commenced flight operations.  1755 Completed flight operations. 1804 Fletcher went alongside Manchester to refuel.  1927 Completed refueling, then Fletcher proceeded to plane guard station on USS Leyte CV 32. 1949 Leyte commenced flight operations.  2002 Completed air operations and Fletcher returned to screen station.  2245 USS Shelton DD 790 joined the formation. 2302 USS Sperry DD 697 joined the formation. Fletcher in station 3 of 16 ship circular screen.

Monday, 16 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson, Korea. 0405 Philippine Sea, Leyte, Manchester, DesDiv 111 and Radford detached for replenishment.  0554 Sperry detached. 0846 Went to general quarters for unidentified air contact bearing 230T 13 miles. Boxer launched combat air patrol.  0900 Air contact identified friendly. 0905 Secured from general quarters. 0930 Boxer commenced flight operations.  0945 Boxer completed flight operations.  1127 Boxer commenced flight operations. 1159 Boxer completed flight operations.  1233 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1238 Carriers completed flight operations. 1401 Commenced flight operations. 1419 Completed flight operations.  1650 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1758 Completed flight operations.  1818 Valley Forge commenced flight operations.  1820 Flight operations completed. 1836 Philippine Sea, Leyte, DesDiv 111 Manchester, and Radford rejoined the formation.  Changed formation to 4R with Manchester in center, with 4 carrier stations and 15 ship circular screen. Fletcher in screen station 3.  2043 Boxer and Valley Forge began flight operations.  2055 Completed flight operations.

Tuesday, 17 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson Korea. 0331 Valley Forge, Boxer, DesDiv 112, Gurke, and Fletcher detached. 0612 USS Cimarron AO 22, and USS Mt Katmai AE 16 joined replenishment group.  0632 Fletcher went alongside Cimarron to refuel.  0735 Completed refueling and proceeded to station 3 in bent line screen.  1525 Cimarron detached.  1530 Exercised crew at general quarters for gunnery exercises.  1717 Completed gunnery exercises. 1721 Fletcher took plane guard station on Boxer. 1739 Boxer and Valley Forge commenced flight operations.  1906 Rejoined TF 77.  2010 Carriers commenced flight operations. 2022 Completed flight operations.  2300 Gurke detached.  2358 Commenced flight operations.

Wednesday, 18 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson, Korea.  0001 Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 0245 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge.  0310 Valley Forge and Philippine Sea commenced flight operations. 0311 Valley Forge completed flight operations. 0317 Philippine Sea completed flight operations. 0322 Philippine Sea, Boxer, DesDiv 31, and Radford detached to proceed to replenishment group.  0817 Completed flight operations.  0848 Flight operations commenced. 0855 USS Sperry DD 697 detached from formation. 1515 Philippine Sea, Leyte, Radford and DesDiv 31 rejoined the formation. 1605 Commenced flight operations.  1611 Carriers completed flight operations.  1649 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1718 Completed flight operations.  1737 Commenced flight operations. 1759 Completed flight operations.  1822 Sonar dusk alert.  2040 Commenced flight operations. 2112 Completed flight operations.  2355 Boxer commenced flight operations.

Thursday, 19 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan northeast of Wonson Korea. 0339 Valley Forge, Boxer, Manchester, Fletcher and Henderson detached. 0543 The group rendezvoused with the replenishment group, USS Cacapon AO52 and USS Mispilion AO 105.  0915 Fletcher went alongside Cacapon to refuel.  Group then formed up with Boxer as guide and a 6 ship circular screen and commenced zig zag course. 1316 Commenced anti aircraft firing exercise.  1447 secured from general quarters. 1640 Commenced rejoining TF 77.  1935 Gurke rejoined the formation.  2016 Commenced flight operations. 2020 Completed flight operations.  2227 Henderson detached. 2310 Chandler detached.

Friday, 20 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson, Korea. OTC was ComCarDiv 1 in Philippine Sea. Formation 4R with 16 ship circular screen. Fletcher in station 16.  0812 Leyte and Valley Forge commenced flight operations.  0830 completed flight operations.  0900 Commenced refueling screen ships from heavies. 1150 Carriers commenced flight operations. 1200 Completed flight operations.  1441 ComDesRon 11 in USS Wiltsie DD 716 designated screen commander.

20-24 October, 1950 U.S. Eight Army advanced north to the Yalu River.  The War’s first airborne operation, 71 C-119s and 40 C 47s of Far East Air Force drop 2860 paratroopers of 187th Airborne at Sukch’on and Sunch’c north of Pyongyang. 1 trooper killed and 36 injured in the jump.  6000 North Koreans killed or captured in this operation.

Saturday, 21 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson, Korea. 0240 Fletcher took plane guard station on Valley Forge. 0316 Commenced flight operations.  0330 Completed flight operations, Fletcher returned to screen station.  0622 Flight operations commenced. 0710 Flight operations completed.  0933 Commenced flight operations. 0925 Commenced flight operations. 0936 Completed flight operations.  1232 Commenced flight operations.  1525 Commenced flight operations. 1544 Completed flight operations.  1638 USS Chandler DD 717 joined formation.  Fletcher was in station 17 of 17 ship screen. 1815 Dusk alert. 2045 Commenced flight operations.  2059 Completed flight operations. 2150 USS McKean DD 784 detached as bird dog.  2352 Commenced flight operations.

Sunday. 22 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Wonson, Korea. Valley Forge was conducting flight operations.  0046 Valley Forge completed flight operations.  0337 Valley Forge commenced flight operations.  0358 Valley Forge completed flight operations.  0410 Commenced flight operations.  0423 Completed flight operations. 0548 Higbee, Kyes, and Moore detached to proceed on assigned duty.  0627 Commenced flight operations. 0647 Completed flight operations. 0744 Commenced flight operations.  0820 Completed flight operations.  0900 ComCarDiv 3 assumed OTC. 0924 Commenced flight operations.  1015 Completed flight operations. 1025 Commenced flight operations.  1046 Fletcher took plane guard station on Philippine Sea. 1110 Fletcher returned to screen station.  1129 Completed flight operations.  1226 Commenced flight operations. 1257 Completed flight operations.  1344 Philippine Sea, Boxer, Shelton, Eversole, and Thomas were detached.  1401 Commenced flight operations.  1419 Completed flight operations. 1452 USS Moore DD 747 rejoined formation.  1527 Commenced flight operations.  1547 Completed flight operations. 1703 Commenced flight operations.  1745 Completed flight operations. 1825 Dusk alert. 1907 USS McKean DD 784 joined the formation.  2004 Fletcher took plane guard station 2 on Valley Forge. 2027 Fletcher took plane guard station 1 on Leyte. 2032 Leyte commenced flight operations.  2037 Flight operations completed.

Note: All through the Korean War, TF 77 operated darkened ship at night. During flight operations, the plane guard ship astern of the carrier would turn on the red truck lights only.

Monday, 23 October, Underway with TF 77 less Philippine Sea, Boxer, DesDiv 31 and USS Thomas DDR 833.  0605 Rendezvous with TG 79.1 replenishment group. Heavies in 4R formation with a 12 ship circular screen.  0627 Proceeded alongside USS Manchester CL 83 to refuel.  0850 Completed fueling and returned to screen.  1240 Went alongside USS Mispillion AO 105 to transfer U.S. mail.  1335 Cimarron, Mispillion, and Mt Katmai were detached.. Formed 15 ship circular screen with heavies in formation 4-G-1.  1358 Commenced anti aircraft exercises. 1517 Completed exercises.  2307 USS Hollister DD 788 detached as bird dog.

Tuesday, 24 October, Underway with TF 77 northeast of Wonson, Korea. 0432 Commenced flight operations. 0433 Completed flight operations.  0620 Commenced flight operations. 0659 Completed flight operations. 0755 Commenced flight operations.  0846 Commenced flight operations.  0852 Completed flight operations. 0930 Commenced flight operations.  0949 Completed flight operations. 1038 Fletcher went alongside USS Chandler DD 717 to transfer mail.  1106 Commenced flight operations. 1253 Completed flight operations.  1400 Commenced flight operations. 1439 Completed flight operations. 1525 Commenced flight operations.  1545 Completed flight operations. 1614 Commenced flight operations.  1726 Completed flight operations. 1801 Commenced flight operations.  1808 Completed flight operations.  1816 Dusk alert.  2008 Fletcher took plane guard station 2 on Valley Forge for landing operations, and Hollister joined the formation.  2023 Valley Forge commenced flight operations.  2031 Valley Forge completed flight operations.  2300 USS Moore DD 747 detached to take bird dog station.

Wednesday, 25 October, Underway with TF 77 less Philippine Sea, Boxer, DesDiv 31, and USS Thomas DDR 833, northeast of Wonson Korea. 0431 Leyte commenced flight operations.  0445 Leyte completed flight operations.  0642 Commenced flight operations. 0718 Flight operations completed.  0800 Commenced flight operations. 1228 Carriers commenced flight operations.  1253 Completed flight operations. 1318 Commenced flight operations.  1330 Completed flight operations. 1504 USS Manchester CL 83 detached to proceed to assigned duties.  1544 Commenced flight operations. 1551 Completed flight operations.  1815 Dusk alert. 2004 USS Moore DD 747 rejoined formation.

On this day, the Chinese Army entered North Korea, and pushed back U.S. Eight Army.

Thursday, 26 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan, east of Wonson Korea. 0635 Joined replenishment group, made up of USS Mispillion AO 105, USS Graffias AF 29, USS Mt Katmai AE 16, USS Cacapon AO 52.  Fletcher in station 7 o 12 ship screen. 0822 Fletcher went alongside Cacapon to refuel. 1056 Fletcher went alongside MT Katmai to replenish ammunition.  1230 Mispillion and Cacapon detached. 1743 Fletcher went alongside Graffias to receive stores.  The following personnel were received aboard for duty: O.M. Grindeland SOG1, F.H. Lips RD1, D.A. Fogg BT3. 1910 Fletcher returned to screen station 6. 2310 Hamner is detached to bird dog station.

Friday, 27 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan northeast of Wonson, Korea.  0001 ComCarDiv 3 with Valley Forge, Frank Knox, Osbourne, and Chandler departed. USS Leyte CV 32 assumed OTC.  Formed 8 ship circular screen with Fletcher in station 1. 0037 USS Graffias AF 29 departed. 0500 Leyte commenced flight operations.  0512 Secured flight operations.  1408 Commenced flight operations. 1544 Flight operations completed.  1601 Valley Forge, Osbourne, and McKean rejoined the formation. 1615 CTG 77.3 assumed OTC. 1702 Commenced flight operations.  1723 Completed flight operations. 1840 Dusk Alert. 2125 USS Hamner DD 718 rejoined formation.  2235 Frank Knox rejoined formation. 2315 Chandler rejoined formation.

Saturday, 28 October, Underway with TF 77 in the Sea of Japan east of Yang do Island, Korea. 0302 Fletcher took life guard station for personnel transfer between McKean and Frank Knox.  0743 Osbourne and Frank Knox detached. 0825 Carriers completed flight operations. 0922 Commenced flight operations. 0930 Completed flight operations.  1010 Commenced flight operations. 1017 Completed flight operations.  1053 Commenced flight operations. 1123 Completed flight operations. 1703 Commenced flight operations.  1729 Flight operations completed. 1820 Dusk alert. 2020 Fletcher took plane guard station 2 on Leyte for recovery operations.  2031 Leyte commenced flight operations. 2038 Leyte completed flight operations.  Fletcher proceeded to screen station 4.  2250 Chandler rejoined the formation.

Sunday, 29 October, Underway with TF 77 in Sea of Japan in area between Wonson and Pusan, Korea.  0603 USS Passumpsic AO 107 and USS Pollux AKS 4 joined the formation. 1236 Fletcher went alongside Passumpsic to refuel. Lt R.A. Gavin USNR, reported aboard from Com7th Naval District.  1322 Completed refueling. 1532 USDS Radford DDE 446 came alongside to starboard to transfer mail. 1620 Fletcher and Radford detached from formation to proceed to Yokosuka, Japan.  1832 Dusk alert.  2257 Fletcher and Radford changed course to avoid fishing vessel.

Monday, 30 October, Underway with USS Radford DDE 446 enroute from Sea of Japan to Yokosuka, Japan, OTC is Fletcher.  1240 Passed Okino Shima light to port.  0224 Passed Iki Shima light to port. 0325 Passed Futagami Island light to port. 0425 Passes Kashika Light to starboard. 0448 Passed Ogami Shima Light to port. 0520 Passed Juki S.E. light to port.0523 Passed Odote Shima light to starboard.

Tuesday, 31 October, Underway enroute to Yokosuka, japan with USS Radford DDE 446. Weather was cloudy with frequent squalls.  Winds from the north at 40 knots. Seas were very rough, and the ship was rolling deeply and pitching moderately.  0630 Commenced steering various courses and speeds to find course and speed to ride out the weather. 1122 Changed course to 180T.  1139 Changed course to 070T and speed 7 knots.  1438 Increased speed to 12 knots.  1830 Changed course to 065T and at 1915 changed speed to 13 knots.

November 1950

Wednesday, 1 November, Underway with USS Radford DDE 446 enroute to Yokosuka, Japan. 0540 Sighted Iro Saki light.  0811 Changed course to 053t and speed 20 knots. 1007 Proceeding up channel. 1039 Stopped and took on Pilot Takeda on board.  1058 Moored to buoy 8, Yokosuka harbor ,Japan.  1116 Radford moored alongside to starboard. 1405 USS Herbert J Thomas DDR 833 moored alongside to port.

Thursday, 2 November, Moored as before.    SOPA was CO of USS William Mitchell AP 114. 1035 S.D. Pevehouse SA was transferred to Fleet Activities Yokosuka for further transfer to the nearest Naval Hospital for treatment.

Friday, 3 November, Moored as before.  0752 Radford got underway.  0758 Fletcher got underway and proceeded out the channel.  0819 Kachieko Siki light to port. 0841 Kanun Saki light abeam to starboard.  1027 Took departure for Midway Island with Nonina Saki Light to port.  Radford on port beam at 3000 yards. 1038 Altered course to avoid merchant vessel.

Saturday, 4 November, Underway enroute Yokosuka Japan to Midway Island in company with USS Radford DDE 446. OTC is ComTaskUnit 96.5.2 in Fletcher. 0038 Changed course to avoid unidentified ship.

Sunday, 5 November, Steaming as before.

Monday, 6 November, Steaming as before.

Tuesday, 7 November, Steaming as before. Crossed International Date line. Set calendar back one day.

Tuesday, 7 November, Steaming as before.

Wednesday, 8 November, Steaming as before. 0345 Made radar landfall on Midway Island. 0635 Moored port side to pier in berth 1, Naval Operating Base, Midway Island.  0655 Commenced refueling. 0908 Completed refueling.  0917 Underway from pier 1 fuel docks. 0942 Took leave of Midway Island enroute to Pearl Harbor T.H. in company with USS Radford DDE 446. 1340 Casualty in lube oil line to port engine. 1433 Repairs completed.

On this date, TF 77 aircraft attacked bridges across the Yalu, but by presidential decree, they could only hit the bridge ends on the Korean side.

Thursday, 9 November, Steaming as before.

On this date, a pilot flying a F9F2 Panther jet from the Philippine Sea became the first Navy pilot to shoot down an enemy jet Mig fighter.

Friday, 10 November, Steaming as before. 0830 Sighted Kaula Island . 0936 Passed Kaula Island to port.  1028 Passed Maihai Island abeam to port.  1532 Commenced entering Pearl Harbor channel.  1609 Moored starboard side to pier B 25 at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. SOPA was CincPac.  Observed quarantine  regulations of the port.  1645 U.S. Public Health Officer inspected ship and removed quarantine.

Saturday, 11 November, Moored as before. 1200 T.W. Woods SA, was transferred to Tripler General Hospital for treatment.  1430 Received dry and fresh provisions for the general mess from the Naval Supply Center.

Sunday, 12 November, Moored as before.

Monday, 13 November, Moored as before. 0718 Underway with use of tugs and pilot, and receiving power from the emergency generator due to cold plant.  0723 Moored in berth B22 and shifted to shore power.  0905 Radford moored alongside to port.  1145  LTJG B.W. Brown departed on leave. 1225 secured shore power, W. Reddrick and V. Gleck, shipyard employes reported aboard for TAD during structural vibration tests.  1335 With Radford breasted out by tugs, Fletcher got underway and departed Pearl Harbor for the tests.  1452 Suffered gyro compass casualty, and steered by magnetic compass. 1532 Completed the tests.  1540 Entered the Pearl Harbor channel.  1615 Moored starboard side to USS Radford DDE 446 at berth B 22, U.S. Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor, T.H. Secured boilers and began to receive all services from pier.

Tuesday, 14 November, Moored as before.  1650 A.M. Cardero SN, was transferred to U.S. Naval Medical Unit, Tripler General Hospital for treatment, diagnosis puncture wound left side, single fracture of the rib.

Wednesday, 15 November, Moored as before.  0952 Ensign R. Holman departed on 5 days leave. 1240 A.H. Kryworuchenko RD2 departed on 11 days leave. S.P.K. Lim FN departed on 15 days leave.  A.C. Juarez BT3 departed on 10 days leave.  F.E. Chandler FN departed on 10 days leave.

Thursday, 16 November, Moored as before.1637 P.E. Thomason departed on 30 day days leave to Continental United States.  1640 J.P. Gardner EM2 departed on 10 days leave.

Friday, 17 November, Moored as before. E. Carr SD1 was transferred to Naval Receiving Station Pearl Harbor, T.H. for duty. 1245 LTJG R.R. Cherryman, SC, departed on 7 days leave. 1250 E.D. Williams FT2 was transferred to U.S. Naval Medical Unit Tripler General Hospital for treatment.

Saturday, 18 November, Moored as before. 1130 USS Rupertus DD 851, USS Fechteler DD 870, and USS John R. Craig DD 875 stood into the harbor. 1355 L. Mendoza TN, reported on board for duty.

Sunday, 19 November, Moored as before.

Monday, 20 November, Moored as before. 1320 K.M. Chambers SA, reported aboard from Tripler General Hospital for duty.

Tuesday, 21 November, Moored as before.  0855 R. Blackwell BM3 departed on 14 days emergency leave. 1300 C.W. Rhoy MM2, departed on 3 days leave.

Wednesday, 22 November, Moored as before.  0950 C. Wallace TN, departed on 3 days leave. The following departed on 30 days leave: J.F. Neudek QMC, L.E. Brown MM3, D.L. Dexter SK3, C.L. Ellis RDSN, L.G. Ford SA, E.E. Gudger TN, J.O. Guthrie FN, E.A. Lindquist ET2, R.M. Meed Jr. BM1, and J.L. Mills SN. 1330 R.M. Moroney HMC departed on 30 days reenlistment leave.

Thursday, 23 November, Moored as before.

Friday, 24 November, Moored as before. 0748 P.J. Hogan RM2 departed on 10 days leave. 0900 Received 50 rounds 3"/50 ammunition from USS Radford DDE 446.1143 Transferred 5"/38 ammunition, 7.2" projectiles and fuses, and 45/70 line throwing gun ammunition to Ammunition Depot Westloch. 1140 Commenced refueling.  1535 Completed refueling. 1710 Commenced taking on ammunition.  1740 Completed taking on ammunition.

Saturday, 25 November, Moored as before. 1355 O.A. Whitehurst FN, departed on 10 days leave.

On this date, Chinese forces crossed the Yalu and began and pushed the UN forces back to the 38th parallel. Eight Chinese divisions attacked the Marines at Chosin reservoir and pushed them back to Hungnam. The Navy brought up seven carriers, the Battleship Missouri, two heavy cruisers, eight destroyers, and three rocket ships.  This firepower allowed the evacuation of 105,000 American and South Korean forces, 91,000 Korean civilians, 350,000 tons of supplies back to Pusan. Seven U.S. Divisions (1st Marine, 1st Cavalry, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 24th, and 25th Infantry ) started a counteroffensive in North Korea.

Sunday, 26 November, Moored as before. 1100 Secured shore power.  1741 W.W. Simmons FPC, was transferred to Receiving Station Pearl Harbor for transportation to USS LSD 1. 1915 LCDR N.L. Ellis returned from 7 days leave.

Monday, 27 November, Moored as before. The following returned from leave: M.W. St Claire FN and A.A. Nathe MM3. 0715 The following men left on 10 days leave: W.F. Lang FN, C.E. Standard FN, 0730 Ensign G.W. Sumner left ship to report to Tripler General Hospital for treatment. 0747 Fletcher got underway from alongside Radford. 0920 Fletcher commenced ASW operations with USS Greenfish SS 351.1410 Secured ASW exercises. 1615 Fletcher moored to northern pier Merry Point, Berth M-4, U.S. Naval Base, Pearl Harbor, T.H.  1620 R.E. Cable BM2, departed on 15 days leave.

Tuesday, 28 November, Moored as before.  0748 Fletcher got underway.   0836 Commenced measured mile run. 0843 Test fired hedgehog.  1032 Commenced swinging ship to check compasses. 1252 Commenced swinging ship with degaussing coils activated. 1320 Commenced swinging ship with degaussing coils deactivated to check compasses. 1353 Assisted USS Epperson DDE 719 with sonar contact. 1715 After gaining and loosing contact several times, Fletcher ordered to return to port.  1833 Moored starboard side to pier in berth M-4, Pearl Harbor, T.H. 1840 S.M Cordero, SN, reported aboard for duty from treatment at Tripler Army Hospital.

Wednesday, 29 November, Moored as before.  0635 C. Wallace TN, was transferred to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment. 0716 LTJG J.W. Osmer was detached for TAD at the Naval Electronics School at Treasure Island, California. 0728 Fletcher got underway.  0842 commenced zig zag course, and maneuvered to keep torpedo in sight. 0905 Commenced training exercise with USS Cabezon SS 334. Fired 10 7.2" projectiles. 1135 Cabezon surfaced.  1210 Commenced assisting Radford in attacks on Cabezon. 1619 Entered Pearl Harbor channel.  1654 Moored starboard side to pier at berth M-4, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.

Thursday, 30 November, Moored as before. A.P. Lofurno CSC, was transferred to USS Hanna DE 449.  LT R.J. Himmon reported aboard for underway training. 0734 Fletcher got underway.  0822 Commenced special torpedo firing exercise. 1240 Commenced ASW exercises. Made four runs on submarine firing hedgehog each run.  1420 Submarine surfaced.  1455 Launched whaleboat and picked up submarine commander. 1608 Moored starboard side to pier Berth Baker 22, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.  1630 E.D. Williams FT2 was received aboard for duty from Tripler Army Hospital.  LT Hinman was detached, duty completed.

December 1950

Friday, 1 December, Moored in Berth 22, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor, T.H. with cold plant, receiving all services from the pier. SOPA is CincPac.  0855 ComCortDesRon One and staff came aboard for a conference on the forthcoming material inspection. 0910 ComCortDesRonOne departed.  1100 CortDesRonOne staff departed.

Saturday, 2 December, Moored as before.  1217 W.H. McMilland RMSN and J.I. King FCSN departed on 8 days Island leave.

Sunday, 3 December, Moored as before. USS Radford DDE 446 moored to port.  1015 R.L. Brittiain FN, departed on 25 days emergency leave.

Monday, 4 December, Moored as before.  0800 Radford got underway from alongside. 0806, Fletcher got underway from berth B22, Pearl Harbor, T.H. 0822 Starboard engine secured to effect emergency repairs.  0829 Starboard engine back in operation.  0845 Secured special sea detail and commenced division exercises with USS Carpenter DDE 825, USS Epperson DDE 719, and USS Radford DDE 446.  1151 Completed division exercises and proceeded to rendezvous with USS Caiman SS 323. 1315 Caiman submerged, and Fletcher began ASW exercises. 1616 Completed exercise, submarine surfaced, and Fletcher proceeded into Pearl Harbor.  1652 Moored at berth M-4. 1740 J.L> Campbell CS3, was transferred to the Naval Receiving Station, Pearl Harbor, T.H.  1750 Refueled the ship.

Tuesday, 5 December, Moored as before. 0635 P.R. Doyle GM3 was transferred to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment. 0751 Fletcher got underway for submarine operating area. 1258 Fletcher and Radford began ASW exercises with USS Greenfish SS 351.  1452 Completed exercises after firing 7 7.2" plaster loads. 1649 Fletcher entered Pearl Harbor channel.  1717 Fletcher moored at berth B-221/2, Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor, T.H. 1855 Secured plant and received all services from pier. 2005 R.M. Cox RMC, was transferred to Receiving Station for further transportation to Continental U.S.

Wednesday, 6 December. Moored as before.  0900 P.J. Hogan BM2 departed on 5 days leave. 0940 H.L. Herrick FN, departed on 15 days leave. 1040 Secured all radio and radar transmitters while man went aloft on the foremast.1235 Received fresh food stores aboard.

Thursday, 7 December.  Moored as before. L.D. Eastham SN, was transferred to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment.  1445 G.G. Henderson, SN, was transferred to USS Missouri BB 61, for duty.

Friday, 8 December, Moored as before.  0335 OOD was notified by telephone that H. Jones, FN, was involved in an accident, and would be held at Tripler Army Hospital pending treatment. 0610 J.W. Worrell SA, was returned to the ship by Hawaiian Armed Services Police, having been the victim of a hit and run accident, been taken to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment and returned to the ship.  1035 Bags and records for H. Jones FN were sent to Tripler Army Hospital where he was being treated.

Saturday, 9 December, Moored as before.  0845 Held Captain’s inspection.

Sunday, 10 December, Moored as before. 1415 K. Hester, SN, was taken to sick bay to examine extreme abdomen pains and at 1650 was transferred to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment.

Monday, 11 December Moored as before.  1007 C.W. St Denis QM3, departed on 5 days leave. 1240 A.L. Butterfield MMC, was transferred to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment.

Tuesday, 12 December. Moored as before.  Fletcher secured all services from pier.  0726 Fletcher got underway enroute to the submarine operating area. 0835 Commenced ASW operations with USS Carpenter DDE 825 and USS Pickeral SS 524, making eight runs, firing one 7.2" plaster load each run.  1131 Ceased exercises.  1245 Fletcher rendezvoused with aircraft.  Commenced exercise at general quarters. 1357 Secured from gunnery exercise and aircraft returned to base due to engine trouble. 1630 Entered Pearl Harbor channel. 1709 Moored starboard side to pier in berth Mike 3, U.S. Naval Base Pearl Harbor, T.H.

Wednesday, 13 December,  Moored as before.  0741 Fletcher got underway. 0825 Fletcher took station astern of USS Epperson DDE 719, for gunnery exercises.  1142 Completed gunnery exercises. 1311 Commenced ASW exercises with USS Carpenter DDE 825 and USS Sea Fox SS 402.  1508 Secured from exercises and proceeded to Pearl Harbor channel.  1623 Moored starboard side to northern pier, Merry Point, Berth M-3 U.S. Naval Base, Pearl Harbor T.H. 1641 A.L. Butterfield MMC, returned from Tripler Army Hospital.

Thursday, 14 December, Moored as before. 0730 Fletcher got underway and proceeded to submarine operating area.  0905 Commenced ASW operations with USS Radford DDE 446, and USS Greenfish SS351. 14545 Completed exercises and surfaced the submarine.  1552 Enter Pearl Harbor channel.  1635 Moored starboard side to Radford in berth Baker 25, U.S. Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor, T.H.

Friday, 15 December, Moored as before. 1030 P.L. Gilbert SO3, departed on leave to expire on board 2 January, 1951.  1255 S.R. Hanson SN, was transferred to Electronics School, Naval Station Treasure Island, California.

Saturday, 16 December, Moored a before.  0900 Conducted Captain’s personnel inspection. 1140 C. Wallace TN, returned to duty from Tripler Army Hospital.

Sunday, 17 December, Moored as before. 1700 R.A. Clemo GM1, was transferred to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment of broken right leg incurred in football game.

Monday, 18 December, Moored as before. 1250 B.H. Jenkins, SA, was transferred to Tripler Army Hospital for treatment.

Tuesday, 19 December, Moored as before.

Wednesday, 20 December, Moored as before.

Thursday, 21 December, Moored as before. 1020 B.A. Bowne, EN3, was transferred to Naval Training Center San Diego TAD for refrigeration school.  1255 K. Hester SN, returned aboard for duty from Tripler Army Hospital. 1600 A.L. Butterfield, MMC, and J. Householder, SA, departed on 5 days leave.

Friday, 22 December, Moored as before. 0735 R.K. Burkhart BT2, departed on 7 days leave.  1523 LTJG H.N. Burns departed on 9 days leave.

Saturday, 23 December, Moored as before. 0850 J.N. Bousquet CS3, departed on 5 days leave, and J.W. Hinz BMC, departed on 9 days leave.

Sunday, 24 December, Moored as before. M.G. Chase SA, departed on leave to expire 2 Jan 1951.  1600 LTJG Brown returned from leave.

Monday, 25 December, Moored as before. 0850 H. Troglin SHSN departed on leave to expire 2 Jan. 1951.

Tuesday, 26 December, Moored as before.  0700 S.B. Crothers SO3, departed on six days leave. 0745 R.B. Canfield BT1, departed on seven days leave. 0800 G.W. Griswold TMC, departed on six days leave.  0840 LT H.R. Weston returned from eight days leave. 1030 W.W. Drennon FCC, departed on TAD under instruction.  1130 Transferred empty 5"38 and 3"50 empty brass, and received 27 7.2" plaster loaded projectiles.  1255 J.D. Vestal FC3 was transferred to U.S. Naval Receiving Station Brooklyn for a course of instruction.  1520 J. Householder returned from 5 days leave.

Wednesday, 27 December, 0145 K.M Chambers, SN, received a one inch cut on the bottom of his right foot while climbing from bunk. He cut his foot on a foot locker, and was treated by duty corpsman with 5 stitches. 0711 A.L Butterfield returned from 5 days leave. 0810 the following men reported aboard for duty from Receiving Station, Treasure Island, California: V.H. McCall, SN, L.A. Martin, SN, N. Mascitti, SN, L.H. Martin, SN, H.L. Eyner, SN.

Thursday, 28 December, Moored as before. 0200 J.N. Bouquet CS3m reported aboard from 5 days leave.  1240 Pilot came aboard. 1320 Fletcher got underway with the use of tugs YTB 290 and YTB 220. Moored to berth Mike 3.  1405 USS Epperson DDE 719 moored alongside to port. 1600 A.R. Anderson MM1 departed on 5 days leave.

Friday, 29 December. Moored as before.  0908 Received stores for general mess from Supply Center.  0935 Commenced refueling from pier. 1035 Completed refueling.

Saturday, 30 December, Moored as before. 0700 M. Sutherland CSC, returned from 3 days leave. 0957 Captain made working material inspection of entire ship.1125 O.G. Whitehurst FN returned from leave. 1127 A,M. Cordero SN, returned from leave.1350 J. Holman FC2, departed on 2 days leave.

Sunday, 31 December, Moored as before. 0900 W.J. Bjorklund SA, was transferred to Naval Receiving Station Pearl Harbor for transportation to the Continental United States for 30 days emergency leave.

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