Condensed from the original war diary by Earl Faubion

1 Jan - Anchored as before in San Pedro Bay.
2 Jan
 - Anchored as before, 1417 received fuel from RADFORD.
3 Jan
 - Anchored as before.
4 Jan
 - Anchored as before, 1400 underway with TG 77.3 enroute to Lingayen Gulf, Luzon Island, Philippines. Conducted radar calibration exercise, 1730 took place in screen. Ships present: PHOENIX (CTG 77.3) DENVER, MONTPELIER, BOISE, NICHOLAS (CDS 21), TAYLOR, RADFORD, EDWARDS, COGHLAN, FLETCHER, O'BANNON and HOPEWELL. TG 78.1 formed up 6 miles astern.
5 Jan
 - Steaming as before, 1045 left screen to investigate lifeboat in the water, found it to be abandoned and sunk it with gunfire, resumed station in screen, 1306 left formation to investigate objects on the horizon, found to be native sailboats, resumed station in screen, 1512 NICHOLAS sighted torpedo off her starboard bow, 1514 PHOENIX reported midget submarine, 1520 TAYLOR commenced run on sub, 1528 U.S. aircraft dropped bomb on sub, results unobserved, 1530 TAYLOR rammed enemy sub damaging her own sound gear and dropped depth charges, TAYLOR was credited with probable kill, unidentified planes reported in area.
6 Jan
 - 0415 COGHLAN left formation to investigate sailboats, several unidentified planes reported in the vicinity, none came within visual range.
7 Jan
 - 0215 visual contact with TG 77.10.3, 0644 enemy plane dropped bomb 5000 yards off starboard bow and left area at high speed, 0815 SUAMICO joined formation to refuel destroyers, 0839 enemy aircraft over formation, various units opened fire, 0852 enemy plane shot down by U.S. planes, 1815 sighted Japanese "Irving" aircraft at 6 miles, TG opened fire and plane crashed, 2235 sighted numerous flares 20 miles distant, then gunfire was seen followed by 3 explosions.
8 Jan
 - 0252 saw gunfire from formation ahead and an aircraft crashed into the water, 0302 fired at enemy plane on port bow, plane opened range, ceased fire, 0310 enemy aircraft at 9 miles, 0315 opened fire on plane, no hits, 0324 opened fire at enemy plane 8000 yards on port beam, plane passed overhead from port to starboard and left, 0806 saw Japanese "Nick" at 9 miles, 0807 opened fire on "Nick" as it dived in our direction, plane was hit and crashed 1000 yards off port quarter, 1830 BOISE escorted by COGHLAN and EDWARDS left formation to join TG 78.1, our fighters shot down 1 of 3 planes, other 2 approached formation, 1858 plane crashed into KITKUN BAY, 1903 opened fire on plane speeding down port side of formation which crashed into HMAS WESTRALIA astern about 7.5 miles, BULL joined formation, 2220 HOPEWELL and TAYLOR left formation to escort SHAMROCK BAY to this formation.
9 Jan
 - 0215 SHAMROCK BAY escorted by HOPEWELL and TAYLOR joined the formation, commenced patrolling to westward of Lingayen Gulf to provide cover and support while our forces made landing at 0930 with little opposition, 1925 SHAMROCK BAY left formation to join TU 77.4.2, a few unidentified planes were reported in area, none came within visual or firing range.
10 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 1000 SAGINAW BAY, PETROF BAY, CHARRETTE and CONNOR joined formation, 1245 a TBF from MARCUS ISLAND made a forced landing in the water 5000 yards off starboard bow, FLETCHER was designated to pick up survivors, all 3 air crew were picked up uninjured, 1330 KADASHAN BAY escorted by CHARRETTE and CONNOR left formation and returned at 1730, at 1817 left station to go alongside PHOENIX to receive guard mail for TU 77.4.6 in SAGINAW BAY, 1833 Japanese aircraft reported closing formation at, 11,000 yards we opened fire, plane dropped 2 bombs near SAGINAW BAY and left area.
11 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 0800 left station and transferred TBF survivors to MARCUS ISLAND then returned to station in screen, unidentified planes reported in area, none came within visual or firing range.
12 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 1030 O’BANNON, CHARRETTE and CONNOR left formation to escort a tanker back for fueling, 1200 refueled from SCHUYLKILL, 1330 tanker left formation, several unidentified aircraft were reported in the area, none came within visual or firing range.
13 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 1536 saw friendly plane crash in water close astern of SAGINAW BAY while attempting to land, FLETCHER went to rescue and picked up the pilot who only had a bruise on his head.
14 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 1040 BOISE escorted by COGHLAN and EDWARDS joined the formation, 1330 made possible sound contact at 800 yards closing fast, contact was lost and not regained, 1542 left station to transfer pilot back to SAGINAW BAY.
15 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, GQ several times during day for unidentified planes later found to be B-24's flying with IFF turned off.
16 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, in evening made surface radar contact at 8 miles, HOPEWELL investigated and found friendly PBM that had made a forced landing, HOPEWELL rescued survivors and destroyed the plane as sea was too rough for towing.
17 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 0750 TG 77.4.6 departed formation, remaining ships PHOENIX, DENVER, MONTPELIER, BOISE, NICHOLAS, FLETCHER, O'BANNON, RADFORD, HOPEWELL, TAYLOR, EDWARDS and COGHLAN. EDWARDS was designated to pick up outgoing mail from ships in formation, 1200 TAYLOR saw raft in water and rescued 3 crew from a PBM that made a forced landing and transferred them to MARCUS ISLAND.
18 Jan
19 Jan
 - Patrolling as before.
20 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 0150 left formation with DENVER, MONTPELIER, COGHLAN, EDWARDS and RADFORD enroute to Mindoro to refuel and provision, 0624 left formation to enter port independently, 0630 alongside COWANESQUE for fuel, 0928 alongside BLUEFIELD VICTORY for ammunition, anchored in Mangarin Bay, 1319 underway to patrol area, 1410 commenced patrol, 1624 ceased patrol, 1625 TU 77.3.2 stood out of port, took station in screen.
21 Jan
22 Jan
 - TU 77.10.3 SUAMICO, PECOS, LOVELACE and THOMASON joined formation for fueling, 1000 alongside PECOS for fuel, returned to station, 1053 TU 77.4.3 TULAGI, STEAMER BAY, CAMPBELL, ABBOT, HOPEWELL and MOORE joined formation, 1320 all fueling completed, 1820 TU 77.10.3 left formation, 2000 took radar picket station.
23 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 0630 resumed station in screen, 0840 NICHOLAS joined formation, rest of day uneventful.
24 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, in the afternoon NICHOLAS left to investigate a boat 16 miles away that was found to contain 3 Japanese soldiers who were taken prisoner and transferred to PHOENIX. 1338 COGHLAN and EDWARDS left formation.
25 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 1035 left station to go alongside O'BANNON to exchange GSK stores, 1510 JENKINS and LA VALLETTE joined formation, JENKINS began delivering mail to various ships, LA VALLETTE transferred personnel to assigned ships, 2000 took radar picket station.
26 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 0630 resumed station in screen, in afternoon went alongside PHOENIX to receive guard mail and delivered it to SAVO ISLAND, DENVER, and RADFORD then discontinued deliveries, JENKINS came alongside to deliver U.S. Mail.
27 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, TU 77.10.3 PECOS SALAMONIE, SUAMICO, LOVELACE and THOMASON joined formation for fueling, 0800 alongside PECOS for fuel, then completed delivery of guard mail to O'BANNON, HOPEWELL, MONTPELIER, TAYLOR and BOISE, resumed station in screen, 1417 lowered motor whaleboat to go to LA VALLETTE for spare parts, 1418 saw friendly plane crash off starboard side of MARCUS ISLAND, CHARRETTE rescued survivors, 1500 all fueling completed, 2000 took radar picket station, 2200 TU 77.10.3 left formation to return to Mindoro Island.
28 Jan
 - Patrolling as before, 0630 resumed station in screen, 1300 left formation with DENVER and RADFORD to join TG 78.3 near Subic Bay, Luzon Island, Philippines.
29 Jan
 - Steaming as before, 0700 arrived at objective near San Antonio beach, Luzon, closed area for troops who landed at 0830 with no opposition, minesweepers began sweeping operations, patrolled off entrance to Subic Bay with RADFORD while DENVER entered to cover minesweepers, 1600 DENVER and minesweepers stood out of Subic Bay, formed A/S screen on DENVER with RADFORD, SAUNTER, SALUTE, SCOUT, SCRIMMAGE, SENTRY, SCUFFLE, SAGE, TRIUMPH, PURSUIT and REQUISITE. Retired west of Subic Bay for the night, HMAS WARREGO and YMS-316 joined the formation.
30 Jan - Steaming as before. Left formation at 0700 to complete sweeping Subic Bay, then formed A/S screen on DENVER with RADFORD and patrolled seaward of Subic, l
eft formation at 0840 to provide fire-support for minesweepers sweeping the Bay, then spent the remainder of the morning patrolling the Bay. Sighted friendly troops and trucks near Olongapo Village after units of TG 78.3 entered the Bay and landed troops on Grande Island with no opposition. At 1050 a native canoe came alongside and delivered Staff Sergeant D. W. Kadolph U.S. Army who escaped from the Japanese on December 15, 1944 after being taken prisoner in 1942, and at 1230 he was transferred to MONITOR. At 1235 stood out of the Bay and formed A/S screen on DENVER with RADFORD and proceeded to Nasugbu Bay.
31 Jan
 - Steaming as before, TINSMAN delivered guard mail to units of this task unit, 0800 saw a floating mine on port beam, sunk mine with gunfire and rejoined the formation at Nasugbu Bay where troops were making an assault landing with slight opposition, 0906 arrived at fire support area to screen DENVER during the landing, 1512 departed the landing area to proceed with TG 77.3 to Mindoro to refuel and replenish, PHOENIX, DENVER, BOISE, MONTPELIER, HOPEWELL, FLETCHER, LA VALLETTE, RADFORD, ABBOT.
1 Feb
 - Early in morning ships entered Mangarin Bay, Mindoro Island, Philippines, refueled from PECOS and anchored.
 to 3 Feb - Anchored as before in Mangarin Bay.
4 Feb
 - Anchored as before, 1230 underway with ABBOT and LA VALLETTE to relieve JENKINS, RADFORD and O'BANNON of A/S patrol off Mangarin Bay. FLETCHER relieved JENKINS and commenced patrolling area "Able" to seaward of San Jose anchorage.
5 Feb
 - Patrolling as before, in afternoon saw an object in the water 2000 yards on port beam that appeared to be a body, lowered the motor whaleboat and investigated and it was found to be foul weather gear.
6 Feb
 - Patrolling as before, 1000 relieved of patrol by JENKINS, entered Mangarin Bay, refueled from PECOS and anchored.
7 Feb
 - Anchored as before.
8 Feb
 - Anchored as before, 1758 underway to patrol off Mangarin Bay awaiting rendezvous of cruisers of TU 77.3.2, 1832 cruisers stood out of bay, took A/S station, enroute to Subic Bay, DENVER, BOISE, MONTPELIER, FLETCHER, LA VALLETTE, ABBOT, TAYLOR, SAUFLEY, CLAXTON, RADFORD and CONYNGHAM, later in evening joined by CLEVELAND, JENKINS and O'BANNON.
9 Feb
 - Steaming as before, 0800 arrived off Subic Bay, patrolled to seaward while cruisers entered the bay, 0901 entered bay and anchored.
10 Feb
 - Anchored as before.
11 Feb
 - Anchored as before, in afternoon underway to refuel from MINOOSKI, returned to anchorage.
12 Feb
 - Anchored as before.
13 Feb
 - Anchored as before, 0623 underway to rendezvous with TG 77.3 off entrance to Subic Bay to support the amphibious occupation of South Bataan and Corregidor, PHOENIX (CTG 77.3), BOISE, DENVER, CLEVELAND, MONTPELIER, HOPEWELL (CDS 21), NICHOLAS, FLETCHER (CDD 42), TAYLOR, O'BANNON, ABBOT, JENKINS and RADFORD, 0915 arrived off entrance to Manila Bay, ships formed into designated fire support units, FLETCHER, JENKINS ABBOT, DENVER, CLEVELAND and MONTPELIER formed TU 77.3.2 Fire Support Unit "B" and proceed to assigned area. 1315 stood toward Los Cochinos Point, Bataan with DENVER, 1351 began bombardment of assigned areas, destroyed all visible targets, screened DENVER while rejoining TG 77.3, 1708 formed A/S screen with JENKINS on DENVER, returned to Subic Bay and anchored for the night.
14 Feb
 - 0530 underway with TG 77.3 to proceed to Manila Bay after cruisers sortied, 0800 arrived off entrance to Manila Bay, formed into designated fire support units, FLETCHER in TU 77.3.2 with DENVER, CLEVELAND, ABBOT and JENKINS, began patrolling on southwest side of Corregidor, 0943 saw shore battery fire on Corregidor and Caballo Island, cruisers opened fire, FLETCHER escorted DENVER toward Caballo Island rest of morning was spent firing on shore batteries on Corregidor and Caballo Island. At 1200 proceeded independently to assigned bombardment station off Los Cochinos Point, 1227 on station and opened fire, 1235 shifted fire to Gorda Point, spotter plane reported we made a direct hit on a camouflaged tank causing it to burn, 1240 ceased fire when HOPEWELL arrived in area, 1255 commenced firing at buoys while lying to off Mariveles Harbor entrance, destroyed 2 buoys then resumed firing at the burning tank on Gorda Point. At 1325 bursts were seen 75 yards off port side, 1326 we received a hit at frame 25 starboard side main deck 3 feet inboard by a six inch shell, shrapnel perforated gun #1, CPO quarters, gun #1 handling room and magazine and sides of hull above the waterline in several places, flooded both forward magazines when fire broke out in gun #1 magazine, fresh water lines forward severed in many places, gun #1 out of commission, gun #2 no hydraulic drive, sonar gear and fathometer temporarily out of commission, the detonation of the shell caused the death of seven men and wounded four, we immediately opened fire on Corregidor shore batteries which continued to fire, made direct hit on one. At 1408 YMS-48 was sweeping for mines east of us and was hit by shore batteries and set afire and was dead in the water, 1412 HOPEWELL stood out of North Passage and received several hits while proceeding to assist YMS-48, upon verbal instructions from CTG 77.3 we closed YMS-48 and rescued survivors then sank it with 40mm fire, stood out of North Passage with guns #3, 4 and 5 firing. A boat was sent from PHOENIX with medical supplies and a medical officer, 1558 took station 600 yards astern of HOPEWELL and proceeded to Subic Bay, 1713 entered Subic Bay and anchored, 1845 survivors from YMS-48 left ship, 1900 transferred casualties to LST-777. 
15 Feb
 - Anchored as before, 0400 underway with PHOENIX, DENVER, BOISE, CLEVELAND, MONTPELIER, O'BANNON, TAYLOR, NICHOLAS, and HOPEWELL enroute to Manila Bay at 25 knots, 0540 JENKINS joined formation, 0630 arrived off south Corregidor and left formation with DENVER, CLEVELAND and JENKINS to assigned bombardment area, 0746 spotted shore battery firing from south Corregidor, 0747 opened fire, 0750 ceased fire, 0815 relieved by ABBOT, proceeded to join MONTPELIER in fire support area off Mariveles Harbor entrance. At 1030 Bigelow, Elmer C. WT2c died of injuries received the previous day. 1039 spotted an LSM hit by enemy mortar fire at harbor entrance, 1042 MONTPELIER left to act independently, 1153 we exchanged stations with TAYLOR in North Passage, 1203 began scheduled bombardment of installations on Corregidor and ceased fire while air strikes by our aircraft were in progress, 1337 completed bombardment, joined PHOENIX, CLEVELAND, MONTPELIER, BOISE, ABBOT, JENKINS, HOPEWELL, NICHOLAS, O'BANNON and TAYLOR and took station in A/S screen and retired for the night.
16 Feb
 - 0130 changed course to return to entrance of Manila Bay, 0630 left formation with BOISE, CLEVELAND, ABBOT and JENKINS and proceeded to fire support area approximately 7000 yards off south side of Corregidor, 0835 our paratroops and supplies began making landing on Corregidor, air strikes were made on Caballo Island, 0930 units of TG 78.3 made assault landing on San Jose Point on Corregidor, some enemy fire was received and was silenced by ships fire, 0950 CLEVELAND began scheduled bombardment of Caballo Island, 1015 we stood into area between Corregidor and Caballo and fired on installations on Caballo, 1050 shifted fire to 3 inch battery on Corregidor which was shelling our beachhead and silenced it, 1110 continued bombardment of Caballo Island, 1810 ceased fire for air strikes in progress, 1813 left fire support area to make reconnaissance sweep of south side of Corregidor for stranded paratroopers, negative results, 1930 joined PHOENIX, BOISE and JENKINS, took station in A/S and retired westward for the night.
17 Feb
 - Steaming as before, 0715 our TU was about 7 miles west of the entrance to Manila Bay when signaled to proceed independently to assigned bombardment station, arrived on station 1.7 miles seaward of Caballo Island and began patrolling, in afternoon on orders made a reconnaissance sweep of El Fraile Island, Carabao Island and adjoining areas, no life observed on El Fraile, 40mm was fired at some visible ammunition boxes, closed Carabao Island, our spotting plane saw several installations but no life on this island, we had an excellent target practice applying spots from the plane, destroyed all visible gun positions and one Type "A" barge that was moored to a small dock on east side of Carabao Island, 1504 proceeded to vicinity of PHOENIX and began screening, later joined BOISE and ABBOT and returned to Subic Bay, went alongside WINOOSKI for fuel, then anchored.
18 Feb
 - Anchored as before, 1045 transferred the body of Bigelow, Elmer C. WT2c to U.S. Army Graves Registration Service for burial. 1200 underway to go alongside BLUEFIELD VICTORY for ammunition, then moored alongside RADFORD to receive parts to repair gun #1.
19 Feb
 - Subic Bay moored as before.
20 Feb
 - Moored as before, 1130 underway to go alongside PECOS for fuel, then moored to JENKINS to use her welding equipment for repair work.
 to 23 Feb - Subic Bay moored as before.
24 Feb
 - Moored as before, 0715 underway to go alongside PECOS for fuel, then anchored in bad, 1718 underway with TG 74.2 to rendezvous with TG 78.2 at Mangarin Bay, Mindoro Island, 1803 stood out of Subic Bay, formed up in formation and took station in screen, DENVER (CTG 78.2), CLEVELAND, MONTPELIER, FLETCHER (CDD 42, ComScreen), JENKINS, ABBOT and O'BANNON.
25 Feb
 - 0032 O'BANNON left formation to investigate sound contact, proved negative, 0106 rejoined formation, 0702 arrived at Mangarin Bay, screened cruisers entering bay, 0712 stood into bay and anchored, later went alongside SALAMONIE for fuel and returned to anchorage.
26 Feb
 - Anchored as before.
27 Feb
 - Anchored as before, 0625 underway, 0700 screen cruisers of TG 74.2 during sortie, enroute to rendezvous with TG 78.2 and assault landing of Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island. 1920 made radar contact with TG 78.2 and took station approximately 10 miles ahead.
28 Feb
 - Steaming as before, 0645 arrived off Puerto Princesa, formation broke into units, commenced screening DENVER to seaward as she began scheduled bombardment of Puerto Princesa, 0845 completed bombardment, 0900 first attach troops landed on beach with no opposition, 1738 TG 74.2 departed area at 20 knots enroute to Subic Bay, 2205 O'BANNON made sound contact and carried out an attack and was ordered to remain with the contact until relieved by a Hunter-Killer group.
1 Mar
 - Steaming with TG 74.2 enroute to Subic Bay at 20 knots and zigzagging, 0630 ABBOT left to proceed to Mindoro Island to pick up mail and spare parts for the task group, 0905 ABBOT rejoined formation, 1300 tst fired main battery and automatic weapons, 1830 task group proceeded independently to Subic Bay and anchored in assigned berths.
2 Mar
 - Anchored as before, 0720 underway to refuel from tanker then returned to berth.
3 Mar
 - Anchored as before, early in morning working parties from BOISE and PHOENIX came aboard for a scheduled trip to Corregidor to pick up parachutes and special suicide boat, 0800 underway at 27 knots to Corregidor arriving at 0945, at 1500 all working parties returned to the ship with one Japanese prisoner, 3 officers and 2 enlisted army personnel, one Japanese special suicide boat, various pieces of Japanese radar equipment and parachutes, 1536 underway to Subic Bay, went alongside tanker for fuel and while fueling the working parties left the ship. The army personnel, prisoner and radar equipment were transferred to WINOOSKI for further transfer.
4 Mar
 - Anchored as before, 1812 underway, stood out of Subic Bay awaiting sortie of TG 74.3, 1832 formed up and took place in screen, PHOENIX, BOISE, NICHOLAS, TAYLOR, ABBOT, FLETCHER, O'BANNON and JENKINS, enroute to Mangarin bay, Mindoro Island.
5 Mar
 - Steaming as before, 0800 arrived Mangarin Bay, proceeded into port independently, refueled from SALAMONIE then anchored.
6 Mar
 - Mangarin Bay, Mindoro Island, anchored as before.
7 Mar
 - Anchored as before, 0742 underway with TG 74.3 less NICHOLAS and TAYLOR, joined A/S screen enroute to Zamboanga, Mindanao Island for preliminary bombardment and fire support duty during the Zamboanga Operation.
8 Mar
 - 0620 rendezvoused with minesweeping group, 0925 TG split into fire support units, we are in "One Baker" with BOISE, 1105 began bombardment, 1205 ceased fire, 1915 retired westward for the night with TG 74.3, PHOENIX, BOISE, FLETCHER, O'BANNON, ABBOT, JENKINS and NICHOLAS.
9 Mar
 - 0730 arrived in Zamboanga area, 0839 TG split into fire support units, BOISE, FLETCHER and ABBOT formed group "One Baker" and began bombardment, silenced one shore battery at Sinomoc, 1300 maneuvered independently to assigned position in ring, 1350 began scheduled bombardment, several times in afternoon bursts were sighted in water close by, 1450 silenced one shore battery in a cave, also destroyed a plane and hangar, 1854 ceased fire and joined TG 74.3 for the night and retired westward, PHOENIX, BOISE, NICHOLAS, FLETCHER, JENKINS, O'BANNON and ABBOT.
10 Mar
 - 0530 arrived in Zamboanga area and proceeded to assigned bombardment station off Calera Point, 0645 began bombardment, direct hits on several buildings, 0815 our troops landed with slight opposition, 1600 ordered to yellow beach to furnish counter battery fire on enemy shore batteries that were hampering unloading activities, 1705 opened fire, 1715 destroyed installations, was fired on by an enemy shore battery until we ceased fire at 1815, joined formation for nightly retirement westward, BOISE, ROCKY POINT, NICHOLAS, FLETCHER, O'BANNON, JENKINS, ABBOT, TAYLOR and PHILIP.
11 Mar
 - Steaming as before, 0615 arrived in objective area and proceeded independently to assigned fire call station, 0757 began firing at visible targets with spotting plane observing our shots, destroyed house which was being used as an observation post and no further flashes were seen on hill top, 0905 began firing at seawall and area on direction of fire control party, 1015 relieved by JENKINS, went alongside LST-1026 for ammunition, 1326 completed loading ammunition and closed NICHOLAS and PHOENIX for guard mail, with JENKINS reported to TG 78.1 for escort duty to Leyte, 1830 departed Zamboanga as screening unit for TU 78.1.17 composed of LST's, LCT's, one LSD, one AN, FLETCHER, JENKINS and RUDDEROW, speed 6 knots.
12 Mar
 - Steaming as before enroute to Leyte.
13 Mar
 - Steaming as before, in afternoon exercised GQ, 1652 upon signal proceeded independently into San Pedro Bay, Leyte, went alongside CACAPON for fuel then anchored.
14 Mar
 - Anchored as before, 0717 underway to go alongside PYRO for ammunition, returned to anchorage, 1400 Lt. Commander Robert R. Green, USN, relieved Commander John L. Foster of command.
15 Mar
 - Anchored as before, 0730 stood out of San Pedro Bay enroute to Guiuan Harbor, Samar Island, Philippines to pick up freight and personnel, speed 26 knots, 0954 arrived Guiuan Harbor and anchored.
16 Mar
 - Anchored as before, 0530 underway to return to San Pedro Bay, 0712 entered San Pedro Bay and went alongside HMAS HOBART and JENKINS to transfer personnel, 0940 underway and stood out of San Pedro Bay, 1100 formed TU 74.3.5, FLETCHER, JENKINS and HMAS HOBART enroute to Mangarin Bay, Mindoro, Philippines.
17 Mar
 - Steaming as before, 0800 arrived Mangarin Bay and anchored, during the day transferred mail, personnel and freight to various ships in TF 74, 1824 underway with TU 74.3.5 enroute to Subic Bay, Luzon.
18 Mar
 - 0635 arrived Subic Bay and went alongside WINOOSKI for fuel, then anchored
 to 21 Mar - Anchored in Subic Bay, Luzon Island, Philippines.
22 Mar
 - Anchored as before, Commander Robert F. Martin, USN, relieved Captain Lawrence H. Martin as Commander of DesDiv 42.
23 Mar
 - Anchored in Subic Bay.
24 Mar
 - 0613 underway with TG 74.3 enroute to Mangarin bay, Mindoro, arrived at 1900 and anchored.
25 Mar
 - 0640 underway to refuel from CARIBOU, returned to anchorage.
26 Mar
 - Anchored in Mangarin Bay, 2305 underway with TU 74.3.3 enroute to Subic Bay.
27 Mar
 - 0615 arrived Subic Bay and anchored.
28 Mar
 - Anchored in Subic Bay.
29 Mar
 - Anchored as before, 1551 underway and moored to DOBBIN.
30 Mar
 to 4 Apr - Subic Bay moored to DOBBIN undergoing repair work.
5 Apr
 - Subic Bay moored as before, left DOBBIN and anchored in the bay.
6 Apr
 - 0500 underway with TG 74.3, PHOENIX, HMAS HOBART, NICHOLAS, FLETCHER, TAYLOR, JENKINS and HMAS WARRAMUNGA, 0858 anchored in Manila Bay, some of the crew went ashore on sight seeing parties.
7 Apr
 - Anchored in Manila Bay, 1600 underway with TG 74.3, 1933 arrived Subic Bay and anchored.
8 Apr
 - Underway with TF 74, DENVER, MONTPELIER, CLEVELAND, HMAS HOBART, NICHOLAS, FLETCHER, JENKINS, TAYLOR, CONY, CONWAY, EATON, STEVENS and HMAS WARRAMUNGA, stood out of Subic Bay, took station in A/S screen, 0653 STEVENS left formation to return to base, 0740 NICHOLAS left formation due to engineering casualty, 0902 reversed course back to Subic Bay, 1017 NICHOLAS rejoined formation, 1645 arrived Subic Bay, went alongside SALMONIE for fuel then anchored.
9 Apr
 - Anchored in Subic Bay.
10 Apr
 - 0751 underway with TG 74.3 for radar tracking exercises and simulated torpedo attacks, completed exercises at 1300, at 2230 began night torpedo attack exercises until 2330, then took station in A/S screen.
11 Apr
 - Steaming as before, continued exercises, cruisers then destroyers firing at towed sleeves, upon completion headed for Subic Bay, while entering tested "Murphy" gear for rescuing survivors, test satisfactory, 1256 entered Subic Bay refueled from tanker then anchored.
 to 16 Apr - Anchored in Subic Bay.
17 Apr
 - 0722 underway with NICHOLAS, O'BANNON, JENKINS and HMAS WARRAMUNGA for firing practice at towed sleeves, later returned to Subic Bay and anchored.
18 Apr
 - 0714 underway with PHOENIX and JENKINS for firing practice, 1025 completed exercise, returned to Subic Bay, refueled, then anchored.
 to 20 Apr - Anchored in Subic Bay.
21 Apr
 - 0649 underway and anchored in vicinity of DOBBIN to exchange torpedoes, 1643 returned to berth.
22 Apr
 - Anchored as before in Subic Bay.
23 Apr
 - 0643 underway with BARNES and HAMMERHEAD (sub) for A/S exercises, 0845 began exercises, 1607 returned independently to Subic Bay and anchored.
24 Apr
 - 0709 underway with TG 74.3 enroute to Tarakan, Borneo, conducted AA practice.
25 Apr
 - Steaming as before, 0542 held radar tracking exercise, 2040 made sonar contact at 2300 yards, lost contact at 1200 yards, contact later evaluated as non-sub.
26 Apr
 - Steaming as before, 0600 held radar tracking drill, 0850 unidentified aircraft in area, went to GQ, 0913 plane left area, secured from GQ, 1013 TAYLOR left formation to investigate a raft in the water and captured 5 Japanese who were later transferred to BOISE, 1700 radar contact on Borneo Island, 1735 left station to investigate sailboats ahead of formation identified as natives, returned to station.
27 Apr
 - 0100 left station to investigate object in water found to be a log, 0545 radar contact on Tarakan Island, Borneo at 54,000 yards and contacted other units of task force, 0640 arrived off objective, closed island to furnish fire support for minesweepers. Retired to seaward for the night with BOISE and JENKINS.
28 Apr
 - 0715 arrived off objective and began patrol, 0833 TU 74.3.1 PHOENIX, NICHOLAS and O'BANNON left formation to provide support for minesweepers, 0903 went alongside BOISE to transfer appendicitis case, 1300 TU 74.3.3 HMAS HOBART, HMAS WARRAMUNGA and TAYLOR left formation to relieve TU 74.3.1, 1325 TU 74.3.1 rejoined formation, 1649 TU 74.3.3 rejoined formation, 1800 TG 74.3 retired east of Tarakan for the night.
29 Apr
 - 0750 left TG 74.3 with TU 74.3.2 to proceed to fire support area off Tarakan Island, 0935 lying to on station, 1309 TU 74.3.2 relieved by TU 74.3.1 left station, 1340 O'BANNON joined formation, FLETCHER and JENKINS refueled from BOISE, 1742 retired seaward for the night.
30 Apr
 - 0607 arrived off objective, 0930 on station, 0950 air strike on objective, 1035 opened fire as scheduled on targets in bombardment area, Australian troops began landing, 1055 observed direct hits on warehouses, buildings and oil tanks followed by several explosions, 1105 shifted fire to inland targets and saw one large explosion believed to be an oil tank, 1125 ceased firing, plane laid smoke screen over beach lines as demolition teams began work, 1140 resumed fire on assigned targets, 1154 JENKINS came under fire and at 1159 PHILIP came under fire from shore batteries, 1205 plane laid smoke screen, 1206 underway and resumed firing, 1240 ceased firing, 1250 anchored, 1420 JENKINS struck a mine in the channel, 1523 underway, 1537 anchored near Lingkas, 1600 underway to follow minesweepers through the channel, 1924 left minesweepers to give assistance to JENKINS, 2010 arrived in vicinity of JENKINS, 2015 took station leading formation in column with HMAS WARRAMUNGA and JENKINS and stood out of south passage, 2055 cleared channel, proceeded to vicinity of PHOENIX to transfer war correspondents then proceeded to join TU 74.3.2.
1 May
 - Steaming independently to join TU 74.3.2 BOISE, HMAS HOBART and O'BANNON to eastward of Tarakan for night retirement, 0030 joined TU 74.3.2, 0240 joined by HMAS WARRAMUNGA, 0701 left formation for fire support station previously assigned to JENKINS, 0730 arrived on station, 0735 began firing main battery at Mengachu Point on Tarakan Island, 0752 shifted fire to targets west of Pemusian River, 0758 ceased fire due to air strike on area, 0815 first wave of troops landed at dock area with no opposition, 0820 resumed fire, 0825 ceased fire bombardment completed, 0910 stood out of north channel and went alongside LST-67 for ammunition then returned to fire support station in Tarakan Roads, 1815 underway and stood out of channel and anchored in channel entrance in vicinity of BOISE.
2 May
 - 0620 underway, proceeded to fire support station, 0705 arrived on station, 0958 began firing at reported enemy positions inland at 7000 yards using plane for spotting, 1010 ceased fire, 1050 resumed fire, 1115 ceased fire, 1135 resumed fire, 1141 ceased fire bombardment completed, 1545 minesweepers engaged in operations north of Tarakan Island reported being fired on by heavy enemy artillery in vicinity of Sepunti Point, 1610 proceeded to render fire support, 1645 anchored off Sadau Point and opened fire using PHOENIX plane for spotting, 1855 LCS-44 moored alongside to transfer wounded personnel from YMS-481 which was sunk by enemy guns, 1840 LCI-1072 came alongside to receive wounded but shoved off without transfer due to no doctor, 1845 ceased firing, spotting plane reported three 3" batteries and three 75mm guns knocked out and one ammunition dump destroyed, 1900 underway and proceeded to vicinity of ROCKY MOUNT which sent boat for the wounded, 2135 underway, went alongside WINOOSKI for fuel, then anchored in Tarakan Roads.
3 May
 - Anchored as before, 1000 relieved of fire support duties by WALLER, 1052 underway, stood out of north channel, 1249 went alongside BOISE to receive Japanese prisoners to be delivered to Seventh Fleet Headquarters in Leyte, 1326 went alongside JENKINS to transfer to her our port anchor and 45 fathoms of anchor chain, 1417 underway and formed TU 74.3.6 with damaged JENKINS to escort her to Subic Bay, Luzon, speed 5 knots.
4 May
 - Steaming as before.
5 May
 - Steaming as before, 1607 relieved by HART who will continue the escort, went alongside JENKINS to receive men for transfer to USA, proceeded independently at 20 knots enroute San Pedro Bay, Leyte.
6 May
 - Steaming as before, 0915 arrived San Pedro Bay, went alongside SILVER CLOUD for fuel, then anchored near Tolosa, 1720 underway to shift berth near DIXIE to expedite exchange of torpedoes.
 to 9 May - Anchored as before in San Pedro Bay, Leyte Island, Philippines.
10 May
 - Anchored as before, 1700 shifted berth to vicinity of Tolosa, Leyte.
 to 12 May - Anchored as before in San Pedro Bay.
13 May
 - 0650 underway with RUSHMORE enroute to Ulithi Island, Caroline Islands.
 to 15 May - Steaming as before enroute to Ulithi.
16 May
 - Made radar contact with Ulithi at 21 miles, 0600 entered Ulithi Harbor and went alongside RUSHMORE for fuel, 1155 underway to proceed independently to Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands at 21 knots.
 to 18 May - Steaming as before enroute to Eniwetok.
19 May
 - 0850 sighted Eniwetok Atoll, 1002 entered harbor and refueled from YO-161 then anchored, 1405 underway enroute to Pearl Harbor at 19 knots.
 to 21 May - Steaming as before enroute to Pearl Harbor. (Two May 21st's due to International Dateline)
22 May
 - Steaming as before, 1036 made radar contact with friendly ship at 39,000 yards with no apparent motion, 1750 arrived in vicinity of SS MISSION SAN MIGUEL and began circling her while she completed emergency repairs, 2035 repairs completed, resumed course for Pearl Harbor.
23 May
 - Steaming as before.
24 May
 - 0617 made radar contact on Oahu 77,000 yards, 0925 entered Pearl Harbor and moored port side to HILARY P. JONES in Middle Lock, OWENS was moored to port side of JONES, 1745 SIGOURNEY moored to port side and at 1800 OWENS underway from nest.
25 May
 - 0954 underway to rendezvous with TG 15.3 comprised of FLETCHER (CDD 42, OTC, CTG 15.3), SIGOURNEY and ZELLARS, enroute to San Pedro, California.
 to 30 May - Steaming as before enroute to San Pedro, California.
31 May
 - 0747 TG 15.3 dissolved and proceeded independently into San Pedro Bay and moored to dock at Terminal Island, 1238 underway to sea for speed trial runs, 177 returned to port and anchored.
1 Jun
 - 0608 underway, entered Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding Yard, Terminal Island, San Pedro, California, USA to undergo general overhaul and repairs.
2 Jun
 to 1 Jul - Moored as before.
2 Jul
 - Moored as before, 1900 underway with aid of yard tugs and entered Bethlehem Steel Company Drydock.
3 Jul
 to 8 Jul - Drydocked as before.
9 Jul
 - Drydocked as before, 1700 flooded dock, towed out by yard tugs and moored to pier.
 to 27 Jul - Moored as before.
28 Jul
 - Moored as before, 1440 underway with aid of yard tugs, 1540 moored to deperming dock, 1600 deperming not required, underway and moored to fuel dock to receive fuel.
29 Jul
 - 0725 underway, 0810 anchored at new berth and loaded ammunition, 1025 underway for sea, 1105 cut in all 4 boilers on main line, increased speeds in steps to 32 knots, 1243 engineering casualty forcing shutdown of #2 boiler, decreased speed and set course for port, test fired main batter, automatic weapons and depth charges, test satisfactory, 1800 entered port and moored to TOLMAN at Bethlehem Shipbuilding Yard, San Pedro, California.
30 Jul
 - 0845 underway to conduct radar and compass calibration exercises, 1722 returned to port and moored alongside TOLMAN.
31 Jul
 - 0830 underway to conduct radar calibration exercise, 1650 completed exercise and returned to port and moored alongside TOLMAN.
1 Aug
 - 0635 underway and anchored to load ammunition, underway in afternoon and moored outboard of SIGOURNEY, 4 days extension of availability granted by ComWesSeaFron.
 to 4 Aug - Moored as before, San Pedro, California.
5 Aug
 - Underway in morning to conduct full power run, engineering casualty occurred when speed was stepped up to 30 knots, returned to port and moored outboard of SIGOURNEY, 6 days extension of availability granted.
 to 9 Aug - Moored as before.
10 Aug
 - 0830 underway to conduct full power run, 0950 increased speed slowly to 35 knots, 1210 began reducing speed after completing 2 hour full power run, 1429 entered port and moored outboard of SIGOURNEY.
11 Aug
 - Underway in morning to conduct radar calibration exercises, 1437 returned to port and moored outboard of SIGOURNEY, extension for repairs and alterations ended on this date.
12 Aug
 - 0711 reported ready for sea, underway enroute to San Diego for refresher training, 1305 arrived San Diego, entered port and moored to buoys, reported to Commander San Diego Shakedown Group for duty.
13 Aug
 - Moored as before, 0830 to 1030 personnel and material inspection was made by San Diego Shakedown Group, 1100 underway for A/S training, 1653 rendezvoused with submarine S-47, relieved PURDY on station and patrolled with S-47 during the night.
14 Aug
 - Patrolling as before, 0745 S-47 submerged, 0755 began making runs on sub and simulating dropping depth charges, 1500 completed exercises, 1505 relieved on station by duty ship, returned to San Diego Bay and moored.
15 Aug
 - 0645 underway, 0915 began torpedo firing exercise with MULLANEY, 1500 completed exercises, returned to San Diego Bay and moored to buoy.
16 Aug
 - 0630 underway for bombardment, engineering casualty, radar gunnery and AA exercises, tested smoke generators, 1800 returned to San Diego Bay and moored to McCAFFREY.
17 Aug
 - 0645 underway for gunnery and radar exercises and calibration, in evening held night battle practice, upon completion retired westward with target ship at 5 knots.
18 Aug
 - Steaming as before, 0200 reversed course, 0600 detached target ship, 0700 proceeded to point off entrance to San Diego Bay to transfer Western Electric engineer then proceeded to exercise area, in morning exercised at engineering casualty drill, in afternoon held drone firing exercise and shot down the drone, 2000 rendezvoused with GRAYSON, 2323 began zigzagging.
19 Aug
 - Steaming as before, 0600 ceased zigzagging, 1030 to 1225 held gunnery exercise with main battery, 1420 to 1455 held AA practice, 1625 entered San Diego Bay and moored to a buoy.
20 Aug
 - 0500 underway to Wilson Cove, San Clemente Island, 0955 arrived and transferred officers of PhibTraPac, proceeded to Pyramid Cove, 1126 to 1612 conducted shore bombardment exercises, 1743 arrived Wilson Cove for conference ashore, 1912 conference party returned to ship, returned to Pyramid Cove, 2100 to 2155 conducted shore bombardment exercise, 2200 began patrolling in assigned area for the night.
21 Aug
 - Patrolling as before, 0835 arrived on station and began scheduled shore bombardment exercise, 1235 enroute to Wilson Cove, 1320 picked up officers and returned to San Diego and moored.
22 Aug
 - 0730 San Diego Shakedown Group came aboard, 0800 underway, 0930 to 1010 conducted battle problem then returned to San Diego, 1140 refueled and loaded ammunition, 1745 underway to Broadway Pier, San Diego and moored for the night.
23 Aug
 - 1000 underway to proceed independently to Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii.
 to 28 Aug - Steaming as before enroute to Pearl Harbor.
29 Aug
 - 0015 radar contact with Oahu at 55 miles, 0900 arrived at Pearl Harbor and moored, reported to ComDesPac for duty.
30 Aug
 - 0607 underway with KENDRICK and KEARNY, 0907 to 1140 gunnery exercises, in afternoon held AA tracking exercises, in the evening conducted night aircraft tracking exercise.
31 Aug
 - Steaming as before, in morning KIDD and MULLANEY joined formation, 0730 to 0900 fade chart calibration exercise, 0935 drone firing exercise, KIDD and MULLANEY left formation, in afternoon conducted AA exercise, 1800 joined BALTIMORE and PURDY and formed screen, began simulated dusk air attacks exercises.
1 Sep
 - Steaming as before, in morning conducted aircraft tacking and firing exercise, 1000 left with KENDRICKS and KEARNY to Kahoolawe Island and in evening conducted shore bombardment exercises, retired southward for the night.
2 Sep
 - In morning with KENDRICKS and KEARNY held AA practice, in afternoon held fighter direction drills, 1522 completed exercise, KEARNY left formation, FLETCHER and KENDRICKS returned to Pearl Harbor and moored.
3 Sep
 - Moored as before.
4 Sep
 - 0645 underway, 0915 rendezvous with MULLANEY and subs REDFISH and BLUEFISH for A/S exercises, 1500 exercises completed, returned to Pearl Harbor and moored.
5 Sep
 - 0730 underway to conduct AA firing practice for DesPac Gunnery School Officers, 1145 completed exercise and returned to Pearl Harbor and moored.
 to 7 Sep - Moored as before.
8 Sep
 - 0700 underway to shift berth from alongside MULLANEY to alongside EBERLE, 2130 torpedo mount Mk 5 Mod 4 removed to Navy Yard for overhaul.
9 Sep
 - Moored as before, 1350 underway to conduct aircraft training operations, formed TU 19.4.5 composed of BOXER, FLETCHER and MULLANEY, conducted exercises until 2145 then took station in screen.
10 Sep
 - Steaming as before, with MULLANEY provided A/S screen and plane guard duty for BOXER conducting flight training exercises, during darkness retired for the night.
 to 12 Sep - Steaming as before on training exercises.
13 Sep
 - Steaming as before, 1000 MANLEY joined formation, ships formed astern of BOXER, 0945 to 1055 drone firing exercise, 1100 MANLEY left formation, 1930 to 2140 commenced flight operations.
14 Sep
 - Steaming as before, 0757 BOXER commenced flight operations, FLETCHER and MULLANEY proceeded to Pearl Harbor, 0830 entered port and moored.
15 Sep
 - Moored as before, 0700 underway to shift berth.
16 Sep
 - Moored as before in Pearl Harbor.
17 Sep
 - Moored as before, 1400 torpedo mount Mk 5 Mod 4 delivered aboard from Navy Yard.
18 Sep
 - 0630 underway to shift berth, 1430 underway to San Francisco as TG 15.1 with HENLEY and KIDD.
19 Sep
 - Steaming as before.
20 Sep
 - Steaming as before, 1300 received orders changing destination of FLETCHER and KIDD to San Diego.
21 Sep
 - Steaming as before, 1710 HENLEY departed formation to proceed to San Francisco.
 to 23 Sep - Steaming as before enroute to San Diego.
24 Sep
 - Steaming as before, 1600 arrived San Diego and moored to Broadway Pier, 1800 underway to shift berth.
25 Sep
 - Moored as before.
26 Sep
 - Underway at 0730 to offload ammunition at Mole Pier, returned to berth at 1639.
 to 30 Sep - Moored as before making all preparations to go into Reserve Commission, Inactive Status.
1 Oct 
to 31 Dec - Inactive 

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